Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [coord] [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The ambulance came and I was filled with delicious brandy but was instantly sick when I got to Imtarfa Hospital .
2 Sefton 's condition deteriorated and it was agreed he should be put down .
3 That night Miss T. 's condition deteriorated and she was transferred to the intensive care unit .
4 On Friday her condition deteriorated and she was admitted to another hospital , ’ he said .
5 On Friday her condition deteriorated and she was admitted to another hospital , ’ he said .
6 Her condition deteriorated and she was admitted to Broadgreen .
7 Marjory was riding near Paisley when her horse stumbled and she was thrown to the ground .
8 My marriage failed and I was doing about one job every six months — I was on the fringe of things .
9 He had gone to stay at a monastery and somehow a misunderstanding arose and he was asked if he had been baptised .
10 But the community — that much abused word for the next two decades existed and It was launched .
11 After her own parents died and she was left destitute , Elizabeth had found her wandering the streets .
12 When my parents went and I was left alone I cried for most of the night .
13 Then , towards Christmas , the work dwindled and he was laid off .
14 At length the big green truck arrived and we were bumping off to an anxious reception from Mrs. Anxious about her fragile porcelain , I should say .
15 Weeks passed and nothing was printed .
16 The next day came and I was running round the wing like a mad thing , up and down the stairs saying goodbye to everyone , and people were saying , ‘ The bastard , she 's got her parole . ’
17 Sometimes people or Men changed for a moment into some semblance of shape , but then they moved and the mist drifted and they were gone as if they had never been .
18 Any lingering dreams died and she was propelled back into her normal character speedily .
19 He smiled broadly , and though she did n't really understand him , her own smile grew and she was encouraged to ask :
20 It struggled on as an ‘ underfinanced , deradicalized hybrid ’ , in Curran and Seaton 's phrase ( 1988 , p. 99 ) , until King 's pledge expired and it was sold to Rupert Murdoch in 1969 .
21 Penny , three times world champion and favourite to take the Olympic crown on Monday , lost vital points when , as she lay fifth in the seventh race in her class , the centre board broke and she was ruled out of the race .
22 The doorbell rang and he was caught between changes , opening the door with just a towel wrapped around him .
23 Sales plummetted and he was forced to quit .
24 Finally , my father came and I was discharged and taken home .
25 The rewriting of the syllabus began when Mary arrived and it was completed by 1980 .
26 The burial of Jesus had to be completed by 6.00 pm since this is when the Sabbath began and it was forbidden to bury on the Sabbath .
27 But the shop , the store manager knew and it was paid for .
28 The door slammed and he was gone .
29 They also have no qualms about cannibalism ; my first six specimens rapidly decreased to three before realisation dawned and they were separated .
30 One day a cable shorted and they were electrocuted .
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