Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [adv] [vb pp] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 The committee had also carried out a survey of parking problems in residential areas .
2 It was n't his fault that powerful and doting parents had systematically brought out the worst in him .
3 This did not mean their parents had happily shelled out the £2,000 for the trip — many had been sponsored by local firms and one girl had taken out a bank loan .
4 Classical structuralism had already ruled out the possibility of explaining texts in terms of an author or a reality external to them , but its use of the linguistic analogy and its construction of a poetics had the effect of turning language and poetics into origins for literature .
5 As Stephen had already laid out a substantial sum on placing the order , he was damned if he was going to write it off .
6 Talbot saw no point in mentioning that the Ariadne had never carried out a hydrographic exercise in its life and that the ship had been called Ariadne to remind the Greeks that it was a multi-national vessel and to persuade a wavering Greek government that perhaps NATO was n't such a bad thing after all .
7 Mr Johnston revealed that Trading Standards officers had recently carried out a survey of motor dealers which showed that most were breaking the law by not displaying vehicle prices properly .
8 Catherine had barely set out the pens and Pencils on her desk , when the editor pushed open the door .
9 ‘ The saboteur had already worked out an escape route . ’
10 The instructor may have been wondering if the height was going to be sufficient for a normal approach even though the student had already cut out the base leg to make a 180° turn on to finals .
11 All the good timber had been felled and sold in the 1930s and saplings had quickly crowded out the original vistas .
12 Lonrho had just bought out the brewing concern Heinrichs , which in 1964 had started another daily , called the Zambia Times , and a weekly , the Zambia News .
13 This had a solid crust generally capable only of bearing the weight of a man , but the LRDG had successfully worked out a route for vehicles .
14 Ranjan Wijeratne , the Plantations Minister and Minister of State for Defence , claimed on July 26 that the LTTE had recently carried out a series of attacks on Sinhalese villages .
15 After Hitler had again suggested in a speech in mid-March 1941 that Britain would be conquered and the war ended finally in Germany 's favour within the next year , people were heard to remark that ‘ the Führer had never held out a prospect of something which had not happened ’ , and that one could therefore unquestionably rely upon the imminent defeat of Britain and end of the war .
16 In many areas of the country black clouds had completely blocked out the sun , and noxious gases were making normal life impossible .
17 North had already thrashed out a democratic manifesto for a unified opposition in Nicaragua , the leaders and himself scribbling it out in a cramped hotel room in Miami ; at the hearings , he proudly compared it to the sweaty wranglings in Philadelphia over the Constitution .
18 The KFP had previously ruled out a two-party minority coalition with Hoeyre .
19 The IRA had previously carried out a mortar attack on Downing Street in February 1991 [ see p. 38019 ] .
20 But the red-beard had already let out a roar of fury , and launched himself forward .
21 My Early Intermediates had unwittingly pointed out the parallels between Karen 's refusal to ‘ go behind Dennis 's back ’ and the recorded conversation about money and shopping I had played them .
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