Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [be] [adj] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 These authors considered that the antiplatelet action observed was unrelated to effects on glycaemic control as the two effects were dissociated in time ( Poari et al , 1979 ) .
2 The house on our western side had been empty for years .
3 The editorial was written by the editor , Mr Richard Lambert , who said the response from readers had been mild with calls running ‘ about 3½–1 against ’ .
4 On the other hand , the staff felt that the project would have taken a different form and provoked different responses from teachers if an outsider had been present at meetings .
5 After the war opinion was more fluid and open on political grounds the tariff issue had been dead for years and I felt it was one which would pull the party together , including the Lloyd George malcontents .
6 The old lady had been deaf for years and had what she called a ‘ thing-gummyjig ’ on her telephone receiver which was intended to help her hear her callers more clearly .
7 Touche Ross had been involved in discussions with COSLA and the Scottish Office and had provided all of the supporting information and details .
8 While shopkeepers in Skinnergate admitted deliveries had been difficult with drivers turning back , most supported the idea of traffic-free streets .
9 Yet they could have missed out last season if the third team had been involved in play-offs . ’
10 Hurtado had been involved in disagreements over economic policy with Industry and Commerce Minister Guido Pennano , who criticized the government 's IMF-backed tight fiscal policy for deepening the recession , failing to cure hyperinflation , and making exports uncompetitive by overvaluing the inti .
11 For four days , the nearby town of Ballater had been awash with rumours that the Landau Carriage would be used — weather permitting .
12 Some who had gone to Israel had been involved in protests from July 1985 onwards against the ruling of the Chief Rabbinate that they should undertake a " formal " conversion to Judaism [ see p. 34008 ] .
13 It was a long time ago and her head had been full of balls and parties , not City uproars , when she was twenty-one .
14 The process of renovation had been full of difficulties and although some success had been achieved , shortcomings and blunders had been committed .
15 Currently the DLP executive chairman , Kim Young Sam had been involved in struggles within the DLP over his candidacy for the presidential elections .
16 Some of the speculation had been self-cancelling with newspapers predicting that the Government would take quite opposite courses .
17 He admitted that some people in Hong Kong had been alarmed by reports of carnage in Peking but said this was only because they ‘ misunderstood ’ or had been misled by the ‘ false reporting and even rumour of some news media ’ .
18 The day had been rich with surprises .
19 Almond Nofomela had been among the most trusted of Coetzee 's askaris in his years with Section C. Nofomela had been involved in killings up to despatch of the unfortunate Lesotho diamond dealer .
20 But that had been seven months ago , a chill morning in mid-February , when the bushes which screened the canal walk from the neighbouring council estate had been tangled thickets of lifeless thorn ; when the branches of the ash trees had been black with buds so tight that it seemed impossible they could ever crack into greenness ; and the thin denuded wands of willow , drooping over the canal , had cut delicate feathers on the quickening stream .
21 As usual Maeve had been full of questions .
22 Sir Henry Manceville had been obsessed with ghosts and .
23 Kandersteg and the hotel Victoria combined are ideal for families with young children .
24 No recording of Jenkins 's music had been available for years before the Thorofon CD , and now this Astrée issue comes onto the market , as if to underline how huge a gap in the recorded repertoire that was .
25 In the seventeenth century some of the first Fellows of the Royal Society had been interested in spirits and ghosts .
26 Its windows had been spray-painted in blues and reds so that from a distance it looked as if the bus had curtains on the outside .
27 But the road had been full of holes .
28 For weeks the newspapers had been full of stories about it , with , over and over again , people describing how well they lived in this country , how much they loved their homeland , how they did everything to strengthen East German socialism — as if there were not several thousand people leaving the country in a panic at the time .
29 Tim Roberts , prosecuting , said Summersgill had been involved in burglaries at a butcher 's , a shop and a show house .
30 Just an hour or so earlier , many demonstrators had been worried by rumours that the workers ' militia might open fire on the crowds .
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