Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [be] [verb] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 But the fact that the attempt had been made at all must have given credibility to Gloucester 's claim that the Woodvilles were prepared to use force in pursuit of their ends .
2 But the fact that the attempt had been made at all must have given credibility to Gloucester 's claim that the Woodvilles were prepared to use force in pursuit of their ends .
3 There was considerable debate as to whether any crime had been committed after all .
4 The voices had been going on all evening .
5 This was the moment Lynch had been building for all his life .
6 The practice of selling honours had been increasing under all governments and it was becoming more marked in both parties .
7 It is plain that if the judge had been appraised of all these matters now before the court , he would have come to the same conclusion as we have , namely that the necessary intention had not been proved on the part of the appellants .
8 Mounting dissent had been reported from all 10 homelands after President F. W. de Klerk announced the lifting of some restrictions on political activity in early February [ see p. 37232 ] .
9 She knew the gift had been chosen in all innocence .
10 When she was most irritated by Caro 's holier-than-thou , most nearly offended by how stupid/insensitive Caro must think her , with her ‘ what a world you live in ’ , and was thinking ‘ How young , how predictable , how limited you are , ’ came the twist in the conversation , the unexpected note , that looking back along the line of the conversation , was the note Caro had been heading for all the time .
11 If a similar prohibition had been made to all film critics entering Hook , I doubt whether the reviews of Steven Spielberg 's Peter Pan adventure would have been half so bilious .
12 This room had been cleared of all but two of the great packages .
13 The Mail on Sunday had been launched with all sort of fancy design ideas .
14 His interviews the previous night had been done with all his customary thoroughness , but the most productive one had been not the Fernies or young Curtis , those most directly concerned with the incidents which had taken him to Boundary Drive , but with Ted Morgan whom there was really no reason to interview at all .
15 Somehow ‘ honest man ’ was now a phrase blurred in meaning , as though its edges had been lost among all the trees .
16 The convoys had been coming through all week .
17 This paper had been given to all councillors by an official of Orkney Islands Council .
18 An appeal by the Chairman to chambers for extra pupillage places was undertaken during May after a questionnaire had been completed by all students of the Inns of Court School of Law regarding their pupillage position .
19 You can imagine my surprise when looking around the Lancaster hangar at the display boards , I came across a copy of Flt Lt Bulcraig 's DFM citation , with a typed caption stating that our pilot had been killed with all his crew !
20 Although one government-inspired commentator tried later to dismiss the FBI teletype as ‘ an early memo … that sketched one possible scenario , as of October 1989 ’ , and which subsequent events had rendered ‘ irrelevant ’ and ‘ pointless ’ , it was less easy to reject the categorical denials by Air Malta , the airport staff at Luqa , the Maltese police and the Maltese government that any unaccompanied bag had been sent to Frankfurt on 21 December 1988 , or , indeed , that any Maltese connection with the Lockerbie bombing had been established at all , other than that the clothing in the suitcase bomb had apparently originated on the island .
21 Halifax and Frizingley had been invaded from all directions , the streets sprouting Chartist placards like weeds from every chink in the cobbles , demanding what John-William himself had once demanded .
22 Yet by 1988 substantial progress had been made on all but items ( 2 ) and ( 4 ) of the agenda .
23 Many police officers were angry that the cases had been brought at all , since the methods employed by the defendant constables were said to have involved no more than what was set out in the Home Office-approved Tactical Options Manual .
24 After 24 hours of intensive talks France , West Germany and Italy agreed on June 7 to lift their import bans in return for a UK undertaking to provide certification that meat on the bone came from farms where no BSE had been detected in any cattle in the past two years , and that boneless meat exports had been stripped of all offal and other tissues which could harbour BSE ; live cattle could be exported only when under six months old and provided that they were not the calves of infected animals .
25 But the water company spokesman said letters had been sent to all tenants letting them know what was happening .
26 The doll had been given in all its naked glory by one of the poorer parishioners , a relic of better days , and McAllister had undertaken to make its trousseau .
27 Our problem had been landing at all .
28 During this same period a far wider survey had been undertaken of all the fifty-nine party cells in the Poltava guberniia .
29 By June 1991 agreements to permit visa-free travel had been concluded with all western European countries except Portugal , Turkey and Cyprus .
30 Immediately prior to his announcement , García had been suspended from all party activity for two years by the PSOE leadership .
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