Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [adv] to [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Village communities anywhere are notoriously conservative , so when two young cyclists wandered in to the Gasthof Löwen with shoulder-length hair and matching headbands , they received some doubtful glances from the table where five farm-workers sat steadily drinking their way through the evening .
2 This action led directly to the Suez Crisis of that year ( CORE , pp. 141–3 ) .
3 In these 21 chapters , emphasis is given to the eusocial Hymenoptera , with only one chapter devoted entirely to the Isoptera , one to the presocial Arachnida and one to the presocial insects .
4 Edward turned back to the Lodge .
5 On we went past the grandeur of Mount Edith Cavell and Castle Mountain , through Banff and Lake Louise to Kicking Horse Pass and the Great Divide , where rivers on one side flowed back to the Atlantic , and those on the other side ran west to the Pacific Ocean .
6 Among the known examples there is a marked variation in size , which ranges from the large many-roomed complex located close to the River Rib at Braughing , down to the partly excavated building discovered at the rear of one of the frontage plots at Neatham .
7 Kylie wrote regularly to the Riddifords and also her great aunt , Dilys Evans , a sprightly 80-year-old who still worked as a waitress in the town of Maesteg .
8 The fiery Scot was first to react when two supporters ran on to The Dell to stage an injury-time protest .
9 Flat marsh spread down to the Thames ,
10 Doyle drove straight to the Isle of Wight , arriving in time for the eleven-thirty ferry .
11 ‘ The twenty-five ships from Denmark got up to the Orkney ships , ’ the signalman said , ‘ and surrounded them .
12 De Michelis said that Italy ( which was to assume the EC presidency for six months at the end of June 1990 ) would work to accelerate the process whereby the three countries drew closer to the EC .
13 Ken Corduroy drove round to the Harrisons ' with an ingenious pool-cleaning device , a mechanical object that swam round scrubbing at the walls , he had ordered for them from England .
14 Federalist countries such as Belgium and Italy recoil from this idea , as they want interior-ministry work turned over to the EC .
15 The volume of support for Sakharov broke through to the Moscow centre where power is wielded over the world from lofty isolation , where ‘ they ’ make their decisions .
16 IRISH-Americans on a fact-finding trip to Ireland flew back to the United States today with more DUP criticism ringing in their ears .
17 From a corner , Shearer reacted brilliantly to a Colin Hendrie head down , lashing a superb volley into the roof of the net for his 20th goal of the season .
18 During the first week of December 1986 , Donleavy came down to the Windfrey hotel at River Chase , Alabama , just south of Birmingham , for the first of several briefing sessions .
19 Daisy hung about until Drew and the team came back to the Land-Rover .
20 On Jan. 11 Cambodian officials turned over to the USA remains thought to be those of two US servicemen killed during the Vietnam war .
21 He emerged two minutes later with a bulky small man , and the Land Rover turned on to the Cambridge road , making for the headquarters of the regional crime squad .
22 ( 4 ) Their factories looked naturally to the United States for resources , especially spare parts and at times the shortage of these resources made things very critical .
23 At midday Sergeant Briggs and P C Garfield went back to the Riverside Hotel to talk to Mr Sandy .
24 The Junkers tolerated the troublesome middle classes only because they guaranteed the Junkers their place in German society ; the middle classes looked up to the Junker traditional leadership , and regarded them as the German image of itself .
25 Earlier , Nottingham Forest went down to a Fritz Walter penalty in the third placed play-off against Stuttgart .
26 While Louis the German went eastwards to the Rhineland , after agreeing to another meeting at Langres in September , Charles 's first move after Fontenoy was westwards into Aquitaine .
27 In Jacques 's view , without the considerable talents and skills which Hampden Jackson gave unsparingly to the WEA , the District would not have flourished during the war nor in the twenty-five year period of change and innovation following it and in which Hampden Jackson actively participated in partnership with Frank Jacques .
28 At that time Croatia extended southward to the Neretva and covered most of Bosnia .
29 He glanced over at Wayne , and Wayne pointed helpfully to the Dixie horn .
30 The Russians stuck firmly to the Moscow terminology of December 1945 , including the reference to trusteeship , the reason being that they wished to prevent the Americans from going back on their past support for trusteeship .
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