Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Absorbed in the painting , their ears had n't caught his almost silent approach through the open door .
2 Lucille Walker had n't brought me clear over to Hollywood just to tell me I 'd been played for a sucker .
3 She told them everything , right up to the fact that two of the notorious Felton brothers had actually brought her home to this very street , only to find there was no home to go to .
4 It was a pity perhaps that the car had not knocked her down .
5 An aide had apparently taken him aside and told him to do something fast about his image .
6 Frank , 49 , who had requested the inquiry himself [ see p. 36843 ] , was a generally liked and respected member of the House , whose openness had originally won him much sympathy , although a detailed interview in Newsweek caused some offence .
7 Biddy had never let them down , come without fail all through the bad weather , and now was giving Nails an intensive course on her own horse which — in terms of money — was worth another couple of hundred pounds .
8 Surely ‘ Jaz ’ could better that ; after all his first attempt had nearly got him that far .
9 She knew Miss Angus had never liked her much ; in fact , it was doubtful if Miss Angus liked anyone very much .
10 Stranger this new guest might be , certainly Cadfael had never seen him before , but it was no particular problem to work out who he must be , even if that left his presence here as a mystery .
11 Nor , when their parents had already helped them more than enough with furniture and carpets and the like when they had first moved in , did she think she could take any more from them .
12 Although her parents had always treated her normally , Fiona had still been a victim of society 's tendency to view Down 's children as low achievers .
13 Ellie had often taken it down before , but had never dared try it on .
14 The hammer had been lying in the garden and Youngs had just picked it up .
15 Jane had never seen him so depressed , his anger frequently spilling over into words to her , as the dwellings went up with hideous and indecent haste , flaunting a flag : ‘ Waterloo Homes ’ right next to his drive .
16 Rob and Heather had just joined them then , and presumably Luke had felt that he had good reason for not wanting to prolong any conversation about Elise .
17 In fact Boy had never done it more than three times with anybody .
18 The part of me which made the mistake with the buck , letting it get the better of me for a moment , might still be around if that acid test had n't found it out .
19 The episode of Alison 's knee had been startling , but Franca had somehow shuffled it off , undramatised it .
20 He was known to be ‘ worried about Marcus ’ , but Franca had not asked him exactly what the worry was .
21 Ruth had never heard him sound much madder .
22 Simon had once told her how if a Formula One driver blinked during a race it was the same as him driving thirty yards with his eyes shut , and Vitor 's stare was unrelenting .
23 Simon had never told her where he lived .
24 Surely fitzAlan had not held her so close yesterday ?
25 He knew women could n't resist flowers — Karen had once told him so .
26 Finch had always found him altogether reviving .
27 But that was not the first time her husband 's penchant for hiding cash had nearly cost her dearly .
28 The research shows that 85% of those asked felt that the split between LW and FM had either suited them well or had not affected them .
29 The senator had just told me how difficult it was to extract any sense from his son , yet apparently Rickie was not so far gone as the senator had suggested .
30 ‘ I hate cocaine , ’ he said finally , and he surprised me by saying it for the Maggot had always struck me as one of life 's rebels .
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