Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [prep] [be] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The United States seemed to be in great shape .
2 ‘ Well … well , then — ’ her only recourse seemed to be in stiff formality ‘ — I wish you Godspeed , my lord , and … and success in your … that is … ’
3 Although the incidence of gastric cancer is falling in all countries for which reliable data are available there are still certain groups of subjects believed to be at increased risk of developing this disease .
4 Six newspapers were banned at the end of September under a presidential decree empowering the Interior Ministry to close for six months any publication judged to be against national interests [ see p. 39072 ] .
5 For field staff , however , a review which led to the relaxation of a large number of consents appeared to be in direct contradiction to their efforts ostensibly to bring all dischargers into compliance — ‘ trying to fiddle the books for when the Act comes into force ’ as a northern authority officer put it .
6 As a non-invasive technique ECT is a potentially useful method for estimating language laterality in individuals presumed to be without gross organic brain damage .
7 Hence the normality of 42 when the dogs referred to are of opposite sexes can not be used as evidence against the existence of two senses of dog , since it can be fully accounted for by claiming that only the general sense is operative .
8 Perhaps that was why every cell of her normally controlled body seemed to be on red alert in Rune Christensen 's presence .
9 While on the subject of meat , we can tell you that the competition to find the best-made sausages in the UK gets under way this Sunday with the defending champion reported to be in sizzling form .
10 These concepts came to be of prime importance with the introduction of non-abelian groups into topology , specifically via the fundamental group of a topological space .
11 I suppose no other curate happened to be in poor health at that time . ’
12 The displacement looked to be of considerable extent , much larger than the chunk of 2020 which had brought me to 1816 , or the chunk of some mysterious medieval land which had arrived earlier on my front doorstep .
13 The perfection Jesus spoke about is in marked contrast to the obsessions of the perfectionist .
14 This disturbing event proved to be of great significance , since it taught me never to allow ideas to become rooted in the mind .
15 The Western alliance appeared to be in total disarray as the USA supported a United Nations resolution calling for a cease-fire in Egypt , which her allies reluctantly accepted .
16 These efforts proved to be in vain for the most part .
17 For this theory to give the observed value of the strong force between particles , the strings had to be like rubber bands with a pull of about ten tons .
18 I 've been interested at the strength of comments made to be on similar lines by people I thought out-and-out-royalists .
19 Baker-Finch had slipped off the leaderboard , and Watson looked to be in big trouble with his drive at the 12th .
20 The Liberal Democrats depicted a large crowd — ‘ Britain 's People ’ — in which three of 300 people appeared to be of Afro-Caribbean origin .
21 As numbers of mortgage arrears and repossessions grow , especially in London and the Southeast , and with up to 10 per cent of mortgage borrowers said to be in minor arrears or postponed repayments , building societies and other lenders are being particularly careful to offer their borrowers help in paying .
22 It is offering unlimited loans said to be from Global Finance Corporation , of Delaware , America .
23 The cellular source of soluble ICAM-1 ( sICAM-1 ) in samples of healthy blood donors seemed to be from mononuclear cells , because sICAM-1 was only detectable in cell culture supernatants of lymphoid cell lines and peripteral blood mononuclear cell cultures .
24 Truman appeared to be in deep political trouble as the presidential election of 1948 approached .
25 Attacked by its critics as a sort of institutional megalomania in which a defeat of free institutions anywhere was a defeat everywhere it was a supercharged containment policy in which , in defence of the perimeter , all points seemed to be of equal importance .
26 All the services for mental health seemed to be at full stretch already , he said .
27 With hindsight , it is difficult to see quite the radical innovation variable analysis proved to be in social research .
28 The Kingman Report proved to be of great value to my Working Group .
29 The only concern for the Panel was whether the children had to be in compulsory care .
30 The illustrations had to be of ruined castles and dark forests , mythical monsters and fire-breathing dragons , unicorns , trolls and goblins , and a golden-haired boy who fought against the forces of the night .
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