Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [verb] in [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Their use increased considerably from the 1880s when the familiar skeletal iron-framed hay barn with a curved corrugated-iron roof began to appear in all parts of the country .
2 However Strachen , Kelly and White all in the same area of the field seemed to get in each oters way against QPR ) .
3 Dickinson was the last to empty his tins , and so he was the top plane when bits of wood began spitting in all directions .
4 Somehow Ruth felt betrayed in more ways than one .
5 Over the years brambles had spread in all directions and had wound round the barbed wire , so it would have taken an axe or some other sharp tool to have gained entry , one certainly could n't have reached the top of the stairway at all .
6 In the closing er , pages of the , of the book , Freud draws on a suggestion of Darwin 's , which is that , in the beginning , human beings lived in what Freud calls primal hoard , and the primal hoard social structure is one that Darwin had observed in many mammals .
7 But these commissions , mostly for the originals of jokes and cartoons which Willis had managed in former times to sell to magazines , had grown fewer and fewer in the last ten years , as , indeed , had the drawings themselves .
8 As we ( Carrithers , and Trevarthen and Logotheti ) have already noted , sociality , as an innate , presumably genetically inscribed predisposition in all human beings , explains both the existence of the characteristic human ability to construct systems of cultural meaning and the enormous empirical variations observed to occur in such systems .
9 I thought people stopped believing in that years ago . ’
10 Lord Hugh Cecil doubted if his father had dealt in such things but suspected " that both Asquith and A. ) .
11 However , there were also indications that heroin use continued to thrive in such areas as Rock Ferry , New Ferry , Bidston , New Brighton , Tranmere , Bromborough and Liscard .
12 Esther refused to think in these terms , and insisted that she would be able to manage in her home as it was .
13 A seed of star-fire lay imprisoned in all things .
14 This was so successful that the army stopped cycling in some districts .
15 Bill began to bulge in all directions .
16 If Berowne had thought in these terms , then this was an incongruous place in which to receive so honoured a visitation .
17 In almost every case , and in India and Nepal certainly , the only areas in which tigers continued to exist in any quantities were former hunting reserves .
18 Richard Baxter continued preaching in these churches for about a year until 1662 , when he was forbidden by law from any further public ministry .
19 The troops of both sides stopped fighting in many places .
20 McQueen had starred in such epics as The Magnificent Seven .
21 This view of the decade is now very widely accepted , and with reason : political and other stresses at the time did encourage in many quarters a rejection of modernism in favour of documentary , realistic forms more obviously attuned to the contemporary crisis .
22 Until recently voluntary smoking bans had operated in most areas .
23 Wilkie discussed the Camargue with M. Grimaud , whose cousin had a domaine there , asked Monique and Marie-Claire politely what they were studying and elicited more information in half-an-hour than Frederica had done in several months .
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