Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] that [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a little like listening to those debates in parliament where parliament vote themselves extra salaries and I feel very uncomfortable in this process , I thought I might be coming here this morning to disagree with my own group , or those members of them that do n't agree with me , perhaps joined with the conservatives in opposing this motion , but I find in fact that everybody is saying oh let's put up the er , the heading , I feel very uncomfortable with this having spent six months in the budget review , criticising officers up hill and down dale every time that they exceeded their budget , having told them that either they balance their budget or that they came in next year with a budget with no more than a one and a half percent increase , or their successors would be doing it for us .
2 The team working on the Elton project says it 's had definite results — increasing some children 's concentration and that they join in more than before .
3 The Angel of Death was closer now , shadowed in the half-light from the church , the two marble attendants on guard at the mausoleum 's bronze doors , everything as usual except that tonight , I could have sworn that there was a third figure and that it moved out of the darkness towards me .
4 The prosecution said : ‘ It is the Crown case that the accused was one of the two persons who lay in wait for this unfortunate young man and that he participated in , observed and encouraged the assault on the deceased . ’
5 So we talk of five hundred redundancies is totally wrong and I think erm in the circumstances calculated to give the wrong impression I hope I will urge that you do not accept the resolution and that we accept in .
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