Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] it be [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 The same ‘ conversational ’ blank verse is used in much of The Prelude and it is noticeable that after Coleridge 's influence lessened ( during the next decade ) Wordsworth 's blank verse begins to revert to eighteenth-century and Miltonic mannerisms .
2 But all of them are constantly watching the keyboard for their particular call up command and it is possible that one command may affect more than one accessory — with predictable , and disastrous , results !
3 A day 's hard work can produce a no-kill result and it is important that everyone should be able to recognise the visible differences between a good and an impossible situation .
4 Note that UV light can be harmful to the eyes and it is important that the lid of the UV light box is kept firmly closed when the light source is switched on .
5 She motioned Jenna to a seat and it was clear that her initial diffidence was now controlled .
6 The canopy slates are old and similar to the main roof and it is possible that an earlier gallery stood here .
7 ‘ It is an investment in our future and it is crucial that we get good returns . ’
8 There is documentary evidence that considerable numbers of Garonnais cattle went to England during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and it is possible that they influenced the big , yellow-red South Devon .
9 Governmental statistics should be basic data for much social research and it is fortunate that the Governmental Statistical Service publishes a free annual booklet called ‘ Government Statistics : a Brief Guide to Sources ’ , which is available from the Central Statistical Office , Great George Street , London SWlP 3AQ .
10 She was quite attractive except for a very nasty skin condition , her face and arms were covered with a large number of pustules and it was obvious that she had been scratching them ; the scratch-marks were bleeding slightly .
11 Poachers operate after dark and it is crucial that you should not be confused with them , unwittingly provide them with cover , or create any confusion which might result in their not being apprehended .
12 It is known that Dionysos was worshipped at Pylos shortly after the Minoan period on Crete and it is possible that his orgiastic cult was preceded by a Minoan proto-Dionysian cult .
13 However , as with most decisions there are advantages and disadvantages on either side and it is important that you should at least know what the choices are .
14 There are products available that will remove the most stubborn of paint sprays and it 's likely that the local Public Works Depot will have a graffiti removal squad that can be called into action to remove any offensive spray paint .
15 Bill the and John started holding hands about a year ago and it 's already resulted in their engagement and it 's clear that they 're planning their big day for the summer of next year !
16 The notice-board in the workroom contains heartfelt letters of thanks from those who have received their new books and it is clear that the sense of involvement in the lives of real and unfortunate people in the outside world draws a very positive response from the men involved .
17 Roe took his men from Alderley Edge and concentrated the company 's efforts at the new ore-body and it is possible that interest in the Coniston venture waned to some extent .
18 There are many government departments that affect the everyday lives of Scots and it is important that these appointments are balanced . ’
19 Administrators , on the other hand , are entirely the creatures of statute and it is possible that different considerations apply to administrators than apply to administrative receivers on the question of unregistered companies .
20 UK prices are still awaiting confirmation but it is likely that the Nikonos RS body will cost in the region of £2,000 .
21 UK prices are still awaiting confirmation but it is likely that the Nikonos RS body will cost in the region of £2,000 .
22 The second part of the exception would apply to spare parts such as replacement body panels for cars where the design is dictated by the appearance of the car but it is unlikely that many computer spare parts will fall into this category .
23 The precise characterisation of this agent awaits further study but it is clear that most patients with NSAID enteropathy have normal 1 4 C glyocholate breath tests , urinary indicans , and vitamin B 1 2 absorption , all of which may be affected in non-specific intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndromes .
24 Sometimes this ability can be judged without interview but it is likely that a number of applicants will need to be interviewed .
25 You will not have to record every tiny thing you eat or work out calories but it is important that each day you weigh yourself if you possibly can .
26 Given their manpower resources , it is not reasonable to expect the police to be able to enforce rigorously a large-scale , blanket speed limit in residential areas and it is apparent that they do not try to do so .
27 ‘ The future of state nursery education is at stake and it is essential that people understand that there are three different policies being offered . ’
28 It may be that Aethelwald 's genealogy does not survive because his family did not claim descent from Ida and it is possible that he was descended from Oswine of Deira .
29 Many social scientists use computers in their research work and it is desirable that their computing should be as productive as possible .
30 Certainly , it is an eccentric work and it is true that its spiritual elevation-signalled , Berg-like , by the entry of an instrumental chorale towards the end-cannot be anticipated in the early stages of its apparently disorganised single-movement construction .
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