Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] a [adj] [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 Thus the Profitboss is meticulous in replying to correspondence , whether it be a brief memo from a junior clerk in accounts or a personal letter from a salesman prospecting for business .
2 She would hire a Buick and a Sikh driver from a good family , and see the States in the style to which she was accustomed .
3 The elections are likely to return a Centre Right majority in the National Assembly , and France would therefore begin a new period of ‘ cohabitation ’ , that is , a President and a Prime Minister from different parties .
4 There was a faint rattle and a metallic clink from high above and Grant sank back into a crouch , waiting with baited breath to see if the slight noise had alerted anyone .
5 It allowed John Gorsuch six months to begin to make search and a whole year from the time of commencing the said search to " … have use and employ all the ore metals or minerals he or they shall find during the said year for himself … " but it was providing that efforts , trials , and searches were diligently made , employing " four sufficient and skilled workmen thereat … "
6 I get on with it over lunch — a sandwich and a green apple from the canteen , eaten at my desk .
7 The agency 's Education department runs regular campaigns that involve study and a practical response from participants .
8 From the bathroom I took a battery-operated razor , the toothpaste and a new toothbrush from my emergency supply still in their Sainsbury wrappers .
9 The nozzle is still four or five inches short of target when the spider vanishes with a quick shushhh and a sickening thud from the body of the cleaner .
10 ‘ We are living on my savings and a small settlement from my divorce .
11 Informed in majestic neo-colonial language and with disingenuous grace by the British foreign secretary that they ‘ have a part to play ’ in the settlement of their own affairs , is a sense of humiliation and a wintry smile from those who remember other foreign secretaries and other assurances so difficult to grasp ?
12 There was a crunch , the hot spatter of blood and a deep sigh from the crowd .
13 He had a rubber knife and cudgel and a hairy chest from the joke shop but something was not quite right .
14 Bright early-afternoon August sun lit the flint church of St Benet Oldfield and a cool wind from the estuary rippled the surface of St Benet Broad to the east .
15 A hilar stricture produced by sclerosing cholangitis may easily be confused with a cholangiocarcinoma or a distal stricutre from chronic pancreatitis with a carcinoma of the pancreas .
16 The operation resembled a nineteenth-century historical painting of the Israelite slaves of Pharaoh pulling great slabs of stone to his monuments or a similar scene from a Hollywood Biblical epic , except that the raw energy to pull the building was provided by puffing steam-or diesel-engines rather than human slaves .
17 Angelica Kauffman 's history is bound up with the elite classes whose rituals of social dominance included visiting her in her fashionable studio in Golden Square , Soho , or commissioning a portrait or a decorative ensemble from this latest London novelty ( who was , of course , a really fine artist and being fashionable then was not a pejorative condition when fashionability was synonymous with being part of ‘ society ’ ) .
18 One of the major retrospective strands of this year 's Festival is a tribute to the French film director Bertrand Tavernier , whose latest film THESE FOOLISH THINGS starring Dirk Bogarde and Jane Birkin , has received critical acclaim and a warm reception from audiences .
19 GFP 's vice chairman , David Holgate , said that the proposed twin bridges across the Clyde , beneath the Kingston Bridge , would increase congestion and a dual carriageway from Townhead to London Road would act as a barrier between the east end and the city centre .
20 The whole system requires firm management and a continuous impetus from the top to ensure that the diffusion of staff duties does not result in diffusion of the work rate .
21 YOUNG model makers Kenton Smith and Sarah Szikora have set up in business with cash help and a little inspiration from a 1960s pop record .
22 Dr Laurent came in late one cold night with the results of lung resection and a complete cure from seemingly hopeless tuberculosis .
23 It also has a very attractive promenade and a small harbour from where boats set off to go up and down the lake .
24 Goals in the opening 15 minutes from John Morrissey and John Aldridge and a late counter from Neil McNab earned Rovers three first division points .
25 Sandstone won 8-0 against Somerset at Under 12 , captain Scott Rawes scoring a brilliant hat-trick with John McIntyre ( 2 ) , Daniel Lang ( 2 ) , Bobby Cannon and a terrific effort from David Hill registering .
26 Statements of evidence were prepared and served in accordance with the rules and a psychiatric report from a consultant psychiatrist was available at court and that gave the early history and background about this very disturbed boy .
27 Kashmir is an unknown land high in the mountains , a country of lakes and snow-covered peaks and a popular escape from the heat of the plains .
28 Offering the meagre purse of local gossip , news from Buttermere , Nicholson spoke about Mr Skelton 's plans for building a large stone manor house in the area ; dwelt longingly on the prospect of Miss Skelton and said something about the wrestling which included a mention of Mary of Buttermere and a young man from the north of the county walking thirty or forty miles just to see her and make his feelings known to her .
29 Right , second baby has a P K U gene from his mum and a normal gene from his dad and he is not affected , but he is a P K U carrier , right , third baby gets a normal gene from his mum and a P K U gene from his dad and he 's the same , or she 's the same P K U carrier , but not affected , unfortunately the last baby gets a P K U gene from , from mum and a P K U gene from dad and this baby has got P K U and that is a simple , simple sort of exercise of how genetic disorders sometimes appear and sometimes do n't
30 This led to a military standoff between French and American troops and a bitter rebuke from President Truman .
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