Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] of [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The social worker involved in cases of marital difficulty or of breakdown in the relationship between husband and wife would be well advised — regardless of the presenting problem — to seek out the sexual aspects of the case .
2 Unfortunately , no systematic research has been done to determine the typical voice settings of speakers of Caribbean Creoles or of members of the Caribbean community in Britain .
3 The marriages of Jews and of members of the Society of Friends are exempt from these provisions , and may be celebrated according to the rules of these religious bodies .
4 We think that even that extra price would be good value for many consumers , in terms both of peace of mind and of security against the real risk of serious money troubles .
5 Any woman living above the poverty line may choose or refuse to become a surrogate mother , and value judgments of either exploitation by the commissioning parents or of greed on the part of the surrogate mother are misplaced .
6 Power was slipping into the hands of important feudal vassals , and men like the rulers of Hyderabad in the south and of Bengal in the east were emerging with much more power than they had enjoyed in the previous half-century .
7 Generative linguists consider punctuation to be simply prosody and of relevance for the language — or they may simply believe it to be uninteresting .
8 In the company of like-minded friends in the community , advance was possible towards an increasing understanding of the substance of faith and of advance towards the vision of God .
9 It was approved by the House of Representatives on Dec. 8 , 1989 , with only the socialist Cyprus National Democratic Union ( EDEK ) voting against , following the introduction of cuts ranging from $13,500,000 to the ordinary budget and of $132,480 to the refugee relief fund .
10 Before the jury was sworn the judge was asked to hear evidence from two of the prosecution witnesses on the existence and whereabouts of evidence believed to have been at one time in existence and of relevance to the case and possible use to the Defence .
11 Pat Kennedy is a physiotherapist and physical educationalist with a vast experience of teaching and of work with the elderly and disabled .
12 In each case these writers can be shown to be trying to place the other outside the sphere of mastery rather than in a relation of negation or of reduplication of the self .
13 However , it is not clear whether this has been the result of state intervention or of changes in the structure of production .
14 He reviews the problems of internal dating , of intraregional correlation , of regional delimitation and of causation against the background of detailed results from a variety of areas proceeding towards a challenging opportunity to examine the spatial and temporal dimensions of human interference in complex ecosystems .
15 ‘ The rights deriving from the above-mentioned provisions of the Treaty include not only the rights of establishment and of participation in the capital of companies or firms but also the right to pursue an economic activity , as the case may be through a company , under the conditions laid down by the legislation of the country of establishment for its own nationals .
16 The air of human drama and of history in the making is especially potent in times of crisis , when leaders can be shown locked in combat , for example Reagan with Gadaffi over the US bombing of Libya in April 1986 .
17 This meant from the Soviet perspective that ‘ large-scale military manoeuvres are being carried out near the Soviet borders , and the threat of a still greater proliferation of nuclear weapons and of expansion of the zone of confrontation arises ’ .
18 Discipline was very very strict in those days but of course with the war coming on and lots of those men going to the forces , things changed drastically during that time and discipline was somewhat more lax after the war .
19 Increasingly , then , when we examine social change in rural England we must not only take account of changes within agriculture but of changes on the interface between the ‘ truly rural ’ ( i.e-agricultural ) inhabitants and the ‘ adventitious ’ population of ex-urbanite newcomers who have moved into the countryside in such large numbers since the war .
20 He is responsible for presenting to the council and its committees all matters of business which are brought to his notice , either from members of the public , members of the council or from the officers themselves , and of recording the decisions , either by way of minutes of the committees or of reports of the committees which are subsequently presented to the council .
21 If taxes rise simultaneously there is the prospect of a major disincentive effect on output or of growth in the black economy .
22 The precedent is being established that Community law , whether this takes the form of Commission Directives or of judgments by the Court of Justice , overrides national law if the two are in conflict .
23 There are no requirements of publicity or of registration of the constitutional instruments of international organisations for the protection of third parties , apart from the general registration requirement of Article 102 of the United Nations Charter .
24 At a more detailed level considerable variations are possible from model to model , such as the exact ratios of hydrogen to helium and of hydrogen to the other substances .
25 His major contributions to Welsh scholarship , however , were the numerous studies he published of the intricate structure of the four branches of the Mabinogi and of aspects of the Arthurian legend , a field in which his interest had been aroused by the work of Sir John Rhŷs [ q.v . ] .
26 Lack of resources and of help from the government also hampered voter registration , which in August was delayed by three weeks until Sept. 3 .
27 The research has 3 principal aims : a ) to throw light on the process of assessment from the viewpoints of parents , children , professionals responsible for identifying special needs , and administrators responsible for producing a formal Statement of a child ; s needs ; b ) to describe , and provide an analysis of , sources of conflict and of agreement in the assessment process ; c ) to develop a theoretical understanding of the concept of EBD from the view-points of the various people involved in assessment , whether as clients or as professionals .
28 The great agricultural countries between the Baltic and the Black Sea can free themselves from patriarchal-feudal barbarism only through an agrarian revolution which will transform the peasants from their condition of serfdom or of subjection to the corvée into the free owners of the land — a revolution which will be exactly the same as the French revolution of 1789 in the countryside .
29 The more detailed fine observation kit uses the SCAN ( Systematic Classroom Analysis Notation ) system ( see reference 2 ) to give a detailed picture of the rhythm of the teaching dialogue with an emphasis on describing the levels of demand on the pupil and of guidance by the teacher .
30 Everywhere there was a new spirit of intellectual enquiry , a spirit that was to be associated not with the old monasteries but with new centres of learning and of study in the towns and connected more with secular masters than with monks .
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