Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] the [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The explanatory variables which are utilised are expected to have an impact on union growth because they affect the opportunity and/or the propensity of workers to join a trade union .
2 Persuading trout to rise has nothing whatsoever to do with weather conditions , casting technique or the selection of flies .
3 The upshot is that Marx never even concerns himself with questions such as the relation between individual perceptions to objects or the texture of feelings , sensations and thoughts , which might have led him towards a theory of where individuality occurs .
4 NatWest refuses to disclose any figures for its Tessa accounts or the number of holders .
5 If an accused is misled or tricked into providing evidence ( whether it be an admission or the provision of fingerprints or medical evidence or some other evidence ) , the rule against self-incrimination … is likely to be infringed .
6 Rice flails , which could not be taken into football matches , were used in street battles , as also were edges of razor blades taped to the inside of fingers or the instep of boots .
7 The people who suffer if they are broken are not the owners , the shareholders or the board of directors , but those who work in the industry — people who have given their lives to that industry , built up the companies ' assets and made them into going concerns attractive for privatisation .
8 The raising of taxes or the dispensing of laws without the assent of Parliament was declared to be illegal .
9 Pycnogonids are small spider-like creatures , ½ inch to 6 inches long depending on the species , which are not uncommon on seashores all over the world , clinging to sea anemones or the bottom of rocks ( Figure 8.9 ) .
10 It is a short deductive step to equate the pillar with the goddess Potnia or the Mistress of Animals .
11 They arise in respect of damage done by collision , and upon advances of money or the rendering of services , such as salvage , in times of emergency .
12 The grant levels may still be high enough to encourage wet pasture improvements or the drainage of wetlands if land cultivation is not an integral part of the scheme .
13 It is a philosophical commonplace that we can not learn very much about human language from the singing of birds or the dancing of bees .
14 Federal decentralization of domestic policy responsibilities to regional governments , local government organizations and/or the separation of powers are alike dismissed as window dressing .
15 This technique is also known as word association or the association of ideas .
16 It always does , whether you are talking about the spread of the car or the spread of Aids .
17 The explanation is either imported marijuana or the diversion of inhalants such as glue and paint stripper from the workshops .
18 Soviet initiatives for the Mediterranean in the guise of denuclearisation or the creation of zones of peace date back at least to the Soviet ‘ Draft Declaration on Non-Intervention in the Middle East ’ presented in February 1957 .
19 I no longer take any interest in the company , nor , although co-founder , do I take any responsibility for the success or failure of present or future coaching programmes , standards of coaching or the selection of coaches ( Teaching Professionals ) at Sutton Junior Tennis Centre .
20 An innovative attempt to distinguish between the more objectionable forms of cheque-book journalism and the literature which makes a significant contribution to the culture or contributes to the prevention of crime or the rehabilitation of offenders is being made in Victoria , Australia , where the Crimes ( Confiscation of Profits ) Amendment Act 1991 ( Vic. ) , although expanding the concept of ‘ benefit ’ to include the profits of criminal expression , will provide a court with discretion to decide whether or not to treat the profits as a ‘ benefit ’ for the purposes of the Act .
21 What we are groping for , what Pound ( we now see ) is inciting us to grope for , what Yeats is laying claim to , is that effect in writing which an earlier criticism knew as ‘ lapidary ’ : that is to say , the effect or the illusion of words as not written or printed on a page , but as incised on a stone block .
22 Any change in medical practice or the use of beds will had an impact on nursing services .
23 Not all were conducted by aircraft or the use of mines .
24 The syn-skin would protect her against poison gas or flame or the flash of explosions ; it would boost her already-honed nervous system and her already-notable vigour .
25 By the accidents of distance and dates of birth both the Kiwi Keith and the Mackenzie houses had been spared the effects of war and neither knew the pain of loss or the sadness of wounds in young bodies .
26 Titch steered close in to the point and Wycliffe could see the broad path of the Wheel and the mound of turves by which it had been shot into the air before its final plunge into the sea .
27 First , by drawing a distinction between what it regarded as the natural ( and therefore genuine ) core of religion and the complex of authorities , traditions , institutions and doctrines which went to make up the forms of Christianity , it implied that much , indeed very much of the latter was redundant and could safely be jettisoned .
28 Tristram Beresford , for example , writes in We Plough the Fields that : The awkward and uncertain hours ( especially for livestock workers ) , the isolation and the lack of amenities are , it is true , drawbacks to recruitment which agriculture must overcome .
29 Although the results of reorganization and the distribution of responsibilities which arose from it may sound confusing , the system was clearer than before .
30 What does change is the choice of songs and the balance of styles .
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