Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] what is [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are , no doubt , many reasons , historical and intellectual , for this distinctive disjointedness between methods and what is regarded as the substance of sociology itself .
2 This is the general population and as you will see this , this er patches on the whole issue of sex ratios and what is known as the Trivers Woolard effect and I 'll explain that later cos it 's so important .
3 There is growing concern in the Government about unemployment in the south-east of England and what is seen as discrimination in favour of Scotland and other areas through regional aid .
4 There is growing concern within the Government about the level of unemployment in the south-east of England and what is seen as discrimination in favour of Scotland and other areas through regional aid .
5 Sales are split roughly 60:40 between financial printing and what is known as quality commercial .
6 The initial one-to-one meeting , held with one of the two group leaders , serves to clarify what participants can expect from the course and what is expected of them .
7 By taking into account , not only the meaning of U , but also the precise mechanisms ( like irony , or general assumptions of a certain level of implicitness ) which may cause a divergence between the meaning of U and what is communicated by the utterance of U in a particular context .
8 Although the Bill is principally about the council tax , the new clause relates to the community charge and what is known as the student gap .
9 This provides an outline of the purpose of each module and what is expected from students .
10 It is erm alleged , it is to be alleged as I understand it by the er defendant relying on Mr opinion that the business would have failed in any event er because of the plaintiff 's general lack of experience in this trade and what is described as a lack of financial expertise or caution er to which the availability of extra money as envisaged in the original proposal , would have made absolutely no difference .
11 There is no difference in principle between what we propose for finding out about single people and what is proposed in the so-called Bill put forward by the hon. Member for Sheffield , Brightside ( Mr. Blunkett ) , in which he would need to identify pensioners , pensioner couples and people on low incomes .
12 The problem , as I began to discover over the years , does n't lie with the composer , it lies with the interpreters and what is expected from the interpreters by people who have dubious taste .
13 The differences between what is eaten in the richer countries of the northern hemisphere and what is eaten in much of Asia and Africa is now a commonplace ; it was already becoming visible .
14 Unhappily now we are older it has all disappeared , and we must fight again just to retain the few rights we still have , such as state pensions and what is left of the health service .
15 This may be due to inadequate learning but recent research suggests there is a severe disjunction between what is learned in formal science lessons and what is used in more social and affective situations .
16 As sense of humour and what is regarded as acceptable changes , traditional cards , liberally sprinkled with glitter and sugary prose , take a back seat as titillating varieties , sometimes extremely rude , find increasing space on the shelves .
17 ‘ A company should give people as much information as possible about why change is happening , what impact the changes will have on the individual and what is expected of them . ’
18 There is an enormous gap between what is required at school and what is required by at least some of the courses at university .
19 Entries in mixed doubles in international events had dropped dramatically prior to Barcelona and what is seen by many as the most interesting and entertaining discipline in the sport was in danger of extinction .
20 Even if things look pretty grim at the moment consideration of twentieth-century housing developments in North Shields shows that capital has by no means always has its own way and that , as Ball indicates above , capital is not undifferentiated in relation to land and what is built on it .
21 You can also save time by deciding what is essential for your horse 's comfort and what is dictated by tradition .
22 First , the line between what is regarded as an office and what is construed as a pure master-servant relationship can be very fine , thereby rendering the applicability of natural justice difficult to predict and producing divisions which are capricious .
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