Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] a [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the audit of a single building or a whole portfolio of buildings there has also been an increase in demand for the ‘ space audit ’ , usually from office tenants .
2 This overburden may be only a shallow layer of topsoil or a deep layer of modern building rubble , as is the case on some urban sites , and it may be removed by digging with hand tools or by using a mechanical excavator , depending on the site .
3 The giving of often lavish presents to diplomats when they left a court to which they had been accredited , when a treaty was signed between two states or a special embassy of congratulation or condolence was sent , still a widespread practice in the first years of the nineteenth century , fairly soon became unimportant .
4 In practice , because an infinite range of frequencies or an infinite time of testing is never achieved , the interconvertibility of creep , stress-relaxation and dynamic data is not possible and approximations have to be used .
5 The starting-point is not a theoretical insight or a research finding or a recommended line of approach but what the teacher finds problematic , what issues are from her point of view in need of clarification and resolution .
6 Was there a high level or a low level of class conflict during the inter-war years ?
7 It revealed in September that it was looking for either an outright buyer or a substantial injection of capital for a minority stake in order to expand the publication .
8 Do you want the same as mum or a little bit of each or
9 The calcium waves in hamster eggs induced by fertilization or a local injection of InsP 3 were inhibited by prior injection with the antibody that binds to the C-terminal region of the IP 3 R ( Box 3 ) .
10 And the outcome of the general election , due next year , would seem to be either a hopelessly splintered parliament or a second period of ‘ co-habitation ’ between a Socialist president and a conservative prime minister .
11 This family is characterised by the disk being ill-defined or constricted with the arms appearing to continue to the centre of the disk in some genera ; the disk may be covered with skin or a dense coating of granules ; the long and narrow radial shields ; the reduced papillae on the jaw with only the apical papillae well developed and the oral papillae small , like enlarged granules ; the genital slits situated vertically on the sides of the disk ; the arms long and covered with skin or granules .
12 We could assume that everyone in the population is a user or a potential user of the accounts of public sector organizations .
13 And if , and this is not a theoretical point , it 's happened in another union , if the majority or a large number of people in that sector , on that committee are not working or have not recently worked in the sector , then tensions will begin to arise , concerning those members who are working at the moment , and say hey , hold on a minute , perhaps people working in the industry should make these hard decisions .
14 ‘ … a normal perception of abnormal motility or an abnormal perception of normal motility … ’ — M. J. Ford , 1986 .
15 No subject developed diarrhoea , and even at the highest dose tested of 400 pmol vasoactive intestinal polypeptide/kg/h only reduced absorption or a low rate of secretion of water and electrolytes was observed .
16 Add a cinnamon stick or a few slices of fresh root ginger , then simmer for a few minutes — check it has a good flavour , then remove the spices and add 450g/1lb chopped rhubarb .
17 We pick out those pieces which match our needs at the time [ My emphasis ] As have most people in the field , this author has participated in this game , using these data for illustration or emphasis in the classroom , as arguments in a paper , or as support in negotiating a budget or a new piece of equipment .
18 A palpable abdominal faecal mass or a large amount of stool in the rectal ampulla was felt in 77% of patients .
19 The gypsies are without a homeland or a fixed seat of government — and they are falling victim to a strain of virulent nationalism which , since 1990 , has claimed dozens of lives and left hundreds homeless .
20 If you prefer the keyboard side or a particular part of the theatre , please arrive in good time .
21 Based on the contours of the granite sett and cobble , " Classico " paving blocks can be laid in a very wide variety of geometric patterns based on circles , fans or a more freeform of design .
22 Certain teams did become very loosely identified with Catholic or Protestant support in Liverpool and Manchester , but this was never a prominent feature of English football or a significant source of violence .
23 Disadvantages : It 's an expensive option ( Judy 's client 's pay an annual membership fee of £35 or a one-off fee of £6 , plus an hourly rate of between £2.90–£3.75 per hour ) ; you 'll be leaving your children with a stranger .
24 The thesis , on an agreed topic not exceeding 60,000 words , may be either a piece of original research or a critical survey of advanced knowledge in a particular field .
25 The cost of that level of expansion ah were largely written off against revenue or a large part of against revenue with the effect that reduces the business to break even .
26 I can not promise to make you into a world authority on ingredients , but I do hope to share my passion for good food with you , and to inspire you to try a different type of tea or a new way of serving pasta .
27 For a cup full of tea or a small can of coke , picking up dog ends to get a cheap smoke .
28 Among products providing new strengths or a comparable dosage of an existing medicine , only 5 per cent had higher Canadian prices .
29 Is it a whitewash or an accurate representation of the result of a searching investigation ?
30 If the chief of police reasonably believes that any conditions that he may impose will not prevent ‘ serious public disorder , ’ he shall apply to the district council for an order prohibiting for a specified period ( not exceeding three months ) the holding of all public processions or a specified class of processions .
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