Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] it be [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 The thing is , we ordered it went back in the afternoon and it was cut and put on the side , I had to have it did n't I ?
2 Germany has sixty five percent and it is falling and France sixty percent and now also falling .
3 Clients fill in a form that asks all sorts of personal questions and it is analysed and ‘ matched ’ to a likely candidate for their consideration .
4 ‘ The house lies beyond the village near Buxfield but it is deserted and closed up .
5 ‘ I had , ’ said Rosalind , hurrying in , ‘ but I stopped at the post-office to get a stamp for my letter and it was closed and the wretched stamp-machine was empty .
6 Had a very , very good over from Bill Tufnell there , it 's always a bit tricky when you come on to bowl and it 's turning and it 's a long day ahead and you , you 're expected to get hissed and you expect to get hissed , and you can get very impatient when they do n't come , but he 's got one now , he 's got , now he 's bowled well all morning now , he 's bowled almost for an hour , but he 's got that one wicket and he , that over was full of confidence , he tossed one up , misjudged the length and got into a bit of a tangle and then he bowled a quicker one which tried to cut , he then misjudged the pace and he could off nick it to the , a very , very good over and he 's bowling with , with great confidence at the moment .
7 We had a motion which was put before Conference last year and it was carried and it was asking for a similar review to what 's being asked for this morning .
8 She had cancer and it was cured and they , you know , they said , well were pretty certain that your clear but I 'm afraid you 've got to wait five years , four years and six months after they said that , it hit her again and she died .
9 His girlfriend sold one of Keating 's paintings to a dealer and it was discovered and eventually traced back
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