Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] it [modal v] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 If you do you will approach the next interview in the wrong frame of mind and it will make you less effective .
2 To conduct it is a devastating experience : it takes up all your mind and it will take you two or three days to recover from it .
3 A STAR ballerina hit in the face by an airgun pellet has been told : Dance one more pirouette and it could blind you .
4 So er , it only takes you a second to er copy from an adjacent cell but it could take you a minute or two to get that formula working again if it 's not copyable , erm , it would probably only takes you an extra few seconds er when you 're actually building the formula to make it , copyable in the first place so it 's well worth investing a few extra seconds up front to save you maybe a minute or so later on .
5 A hundred grams , for one bar , costs you twenty eight pence , right , and then another one that 's two hundred grams and it 'll cost you fifty pence .
6 It needs you to sustain its welfare work and it can help you by providing comradeship and support .
7 If you feel your baby 's been quiet during the day , you can ask a nurse to put you on the machine and it 'll reassure you the baby 's still there kicking away .
8 you can go and say er Nottingham , Grantham , Grantham to Lincoln , Lincoln to Newark and it 'll tell you the , the route between each town
9 She 'll bring it to you in a few minutes and it 'll help you keep your strength . ’
10 Turn down that side bit and it 'll bring you to the swimming baths .
11 You would n't be a real beginner and it would give you an interest when I 'm busy . ’
12 She 's your sister and it would give you a break .
13 yeah and they can sell duds and they 're , you know , they 're not missing out , they 'll be making money and it can kill you , and it can kill you even if , you know , you can take the real Ecstasy and it can but supposedly what 's good about Ecstasy is that it 's a designer drug and it gets you on a really good high and you know you dance a lot and you
14 Anna decided that she must not profit by it in any way and consulted Constanza — she always did : You are my chief heir and it will affect you — Constanza told her to go ahead .
15 Right yes it 's like fractions it can show you things and it can show you it as a sort of fraction .
16 Jus just Ferret and it 'll tell you what to do .
17 That wo n't do me any harm , for my position is assured ; but you are just beginning your career and it will help you a great deal .
18 Take this with you , it 's been blessed by the Holy Father and it will do you good to use it .
19 With everything committed to paper you 're less likely to forget details and it will help you tackle the situation in a very organised way .
20 In Nottingham city centre though the Royal Hotel car park that 's fairly busy and there are still queues at both entrances of the Victoria Centre and it will take you a good few minutes if you want to get yourself parked in Trinity Square car park they 're still operating on a one out one in basis so obviously better to avoid that one if you want to get yourself parked up you can avoid those queues there 's plenty of room at the Stoney Street car park that 's in the Market there 's always the Fletchergate car park St James Street you 'll find that next to the Albany Hotel or you could er make your way to the Broadmoor Centre you wo n't have to queue to get in there .
21 So once you know that , these two are the same you take that from one eighty , halve the answer and it 'll give you these angles , and if you 've got that ang if you 've got these angles , then you can work out most things .
22 Follow through will cost you dearly in time and effort but it may reward you handsomely in terms of what happens to your report .
23 Well read the bottle and it 'll tell you ?
24 The reason this figure was produced is erm because one of the comments we had back from the other induction courses er Gareth , the reason we had produced this video was erm structure you 've never shown it , so it 's not necessarily tongue in cheek but it is a strictly sales structure but it will give you a clearer idea of our guide what to do to the role plays this morning , Saturday and tomorrow .
25 It has very fast reference and search facilities and it will allow you to open multiple windows for comparisons .
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