Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] have [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The Rhine is one of the central facts of European geography and has always marked a boundary .
2 In the past 25 years he has also been responsible for the construction of the mortality tables produced by the Continuous Mortality Investigation Bureau for use by the life offices and has also taken an active part in the development of a new method of analysing sickness insurance statistics .
3 From early next year she will be appearing on Channel Four 's Food File programme and has just completed a video about healthy eating the Mediterranean way .
4 Linton has developed Fresco with portability in mind and has already tested a version that runs on Microsoft Corp Windows NT , apparently his main target for technology .
5 Despite the scepticism which accompanied the launch of Pump technology and surrounded the whole concept of custom fit , it now has a strong band of converts and has even spawned a series of copycat technology among competitors .
6 Young people three , four years out of college and have never had a job .
7 India , which tested a weapon in 1974 , continues to receive substantial foreign aid and has recently negotiated a loan from the International Monetary Fund .
8 Leaving aside the famous names , which will inevitably be more costly , great numbers of obscure and humble folk have chosen this friendly and attractive method of identifying their precious books and have thereby secured a small niche in the history of bibliophily .
9 The bureau has been involved in several local residents ' campaigns for improved amenities and has also produced a report on racism in North Tyneside , aimed at persuading the local authority to look at its range of services within the borough .
10 In spite of her angry and tearful protests Charles insisted on giving the token to the woman who had haunted their courtship and has since cast a long shadow across their married life .
11 Chris has worked hard spreading the work and has also started a Class in Newbury , an area completely new to Medau .
12 It 's a massive work and has obviously taken a great deal of your time and trouble .
13 The Syrian Defence Minister , Gen. Mustafa Tlass , had visited Moscow in February and had reportedly received a pledge of military aid .
14 But perhaps someone from Midland can explain how they hope to attract accounts from youngsters in their first jobs who have not passed their driving test and have never had a passport .
15 Predictably , she was not sympathetic to the boisterous ways of a young teenager , though she did not go so far as a Mrs Dudley who complained to Bloomsbury House that one of her fifteen-year-old lodgers , Willy , had ‘ broken the beading on a wardrobe and had also broken a chair ’ , offences which most parents of healthy teenagers would have accepted as part of growing up .
16 We know from the pottery of the Chimu period that the Incas were cultivating potatoes during the 13th Century but we believe that for many hundreds of years before that the Quecho Indians had enjoyed a staple diet of wild potatoes and had even developed an ingenious method of freeze-drying them to provide food throughout the winter months .
17 I have a 1981 6 cyl 2.6 109 Hardtop and have recently acquired a good low mileage SD V8 lump which I want to change to .
18 Richard Kilborn is head of film and media studies at the University of Stirling and has recently published a book titled Television Soaps .
19 The province 's four main tournament organisations have broken away from the controlling Northern Ireland Karate Board and have now formed a rival umbrella group of their own .
20 It was a tragedy that the very regions that needed support and had previously enjoyed a generous level of regional assistance suffered those cuts .
21 I was waiting to go up to university and had just got a job as a prep-school master .
22 This company already holds the dominant position in add-on type for the PC and has now announced a product called Facelift that , like ATM , will build screen fonts on-the-fly in Windows 3.0 .
23 Lizzie says : ‘ I have 20 years ’ experience and have never had a single complaint . ’
24 It 's a shame for shopkeepers … we 've been here for three years and have always done an excellent job for them .
25 We have paid home insurance for the last 25 years and have never made a claim .
26 I have carried my own personal tapes and cassettes in NO SMOKING carriages for nearly 20 years and have never had a problem .
27 The campaign of Benson & Hedges has evolved remarkably over the past dozen years and has now reached a point at which the motifs chosen to dissemble the product are themselves classic symbols of dissembling — pretty fans for the summer months in 1988 , attractive fishing lures for the autumn .
28 Fortunately , the Historic Buildings Councils , from their inception in 1953 , recognized the special problems and significance of garden buildings and have often offered a higher than normal proportion of grant aid to secure their restoration .
29 He rejoined Birmingham as No 2 to Terry Cooper but has always wanted a top job of his own .
30 The company is building several satellites for European organisations but has yet to win an order from the developing world .
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