Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] have [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It had once been a middle-of-the-road paper with a big circulation and had traditionally reflected the views , or prejudices , of its middle-of-the-road readers .
2 You will find that since Mr Madison 's British visitors left Washington , we have added a number of attractions and have greatly improved the roads .
3 His campaigns in Aquitaine , Normandy and Brittany in the 1340s and 1350s had been essentially plundering raids which had brought a substantial return for a modest outlay and had therefore enjoyed the support of the nobility and the commons .
4 Observers have simply failed to remark the scientific nature of much of the thinking of so-called ‘ primitive ’ peoples and have perhaps overstated the ‘ scientific ’ nature of thinking in their own societies .
5 It is certain that the electors discussed the name of Stephen Neill , who had had a far more brilliant academic career as an undergraduate than Michael Ramsey and had lately dazzled the university by his lecturing and preaching power .
6 At the same time , the Secretary of State has revealed his attitude to developments in his response to structure plan policies ; in many cases , while approving the general outline of the structure plans , he has also given more emphasis to permitting further development in rural areas and has substantially reduced the proposed limits for some green belts ( Elson 1981 ) .
7 It is as though he had analysed the failings in most other accounts of the work and had deliberately devised the means to obviate them .
8 It is as though he had analysed the failings in most other accounts of the work and had deliberately devised the means to obviate them .
9 The enlightened Bazarov had inherited , was continuous with , took a stage further , the liberal and Westernizing impulse of the 1840s which itself followed the Decembrist uprising of 1825 , an aristocratic bid for reform by men who had chased Napoleon out of Russia and had later felt the civilizing influence of Paris .
10 Sixteen-year-old Sara Freeman liked to spend Saturday afternoon shopping and had just discovered the new shop in Fulham Road .
11 The Chancellor yesterday very kindly did not put V A T on books and periodicals but had he done so that would have the effect of taking more than one hundred thousand pounds out of our accounts in the current year without us being able to do anything about it and it does seem to me that we should be considering asking the members in general meeting to pass to the Council of the Association the right to set and increase subscriptions and having properly advised the members thereof to fix the effective date of such increases , otherwise we are very badly placed to respond to short-term problems .
12 The man had been in the wood and had perhaps seen the animal cemetery .
13 The Romanian leader 's brother , Lieutenant General Ilie Ceausescu , a deputy defence minister and head of political administration for the armed forces , has been closely concerned with the presentation of the historical case and has unhesitatingly attacked the Hungarians in several articles published in the Romanian press .
14 A major problem the country has right now is an economic one ; the Soviet Union is pulling out a lot of its aid programmes and has obviously bankrolled the Country since nineteen seventy nine , so there 's a tremendous economic problem added to the er battles of the Khmer Rouge are causing the government to fight .
15 Throughout the '80s he had been a tower of strength as the last line in defence and had single-handedly reversed the image of the inept Scottish keeper .
16 We could n't have a social issue without reference to the regular social side of our NCT branch and have therefore emphasised the purpose of these meetings in this issue .
17 I 've played Millenium Warriors umpteen times and have yet to beat the Captain Caveman lookalike when controlled by the computer .
18 On this occasion the Bank of Ireland refused to accept this Independent Third Party decision and has now appealed the case to the Circuit Court .
19 They had referred to all the relevant authorities and had properly understood the principles and so could not be said to have erred in law .
20 He was fanatical about his job and had even designed the most appropriate clothes for searching : white shorts and a sweat shirt , a plastic swimming cap , tight fitting to prevent the spilling of hairs , latex gloves as fine as a surgeon 's and rubber bathing shoes over his bare feet .
21 Such an approach has characterised many Western cities in the post-war period and has undoubtedly retarded the rate of deterioration in the quality of life in residential areas .
22 The event provided the opportunity to have a close-up look at part of the farming enterprise of John Gittins who has been a pioneer in land reclamation and has also spearheaded the development of commercial crossbred sheep that have put millions of pounds in the pockets of fellow farmers .
23 The event provided the opportunity to have a close-up look at part of the farming enterprise of John Gittins who has been a pioneer in land reclamation and has also spearheaded the development of commercial crossbred sheep that have put millions of pounds in the pockets of fellow farmers .
24 They were driving up the Harrow Road and had just passed the complex of St Mary 's Hospital when the campanile of St Matthew 's came suddenly into view on their left .
25 The Council of Churches in Namibia are responsible for setting up repatriation centres but South Africa 's colonial Administration General lAG ) in Namibia is trying to interfere in this process and has even suggested the use of South African military bases for this purpose !
26 Before his reorganisation began , " Kitty " Laidlaw , who had been Allan Hayhurst 's right-hand support for twenty-nine years and had latterly served the BDA in the capacity of administrative Secretary in the office at Carlisle , decided to retire .
27 His successor displayed no great competence for the job even though he had been a member of the House for twenty-four years and had successfully met the demands of peer review to achieve major leadership posts in the legislature .
28 John and Ann Searancke have lived at Chequers for nearly twenty years and have continually improved the property — their care and love of the house shows .
29 The Forestry Commission at the Royal Showground are very interested in this extra income but have yet to ascertain the extra benefits of limited disease control and the natural organic fertiliser spread evenly over the woodland .
30 The Home Unions have steadfastly refused to alter the timing of the tour to accommodate the Wallaby tour to South Africa and have also denied the ARU 's request to permit the Wallabies to tour South Africa prior to arriving in Ireland and Scotland .
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