Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] have [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Robertson is , like Levein , imagined to have a problem imposing himself on Roxburgh 's mind and has recently fallen further behind in the pecking order with the emergence of Eoin Jess at Aberdeen .
2 Management consultancy not only made him rich ( he sold Telesis for $1m and has just forked out $1.25m for a Washington house ) ; it also convinced him that America 's ludicrously wasteful health-care system was undermining the nation 's competitiveness abroad .
3 While physicians advised sparing use of the ointment , the quacks prescribed it liberally to great effect and had usually passed on to the next town before the inevitable relapses and the not infrequent deaths — results of over-treatment — had occurred .
4 The chief executives of the three firms have been discussing the plan for five months and have now handed over the task of implementing the grand design to their operating systems managers .
5 The chief executives of the three firms have been discussing the plan for five months and have now handed over the task of implementing the grand design to their operating systems managers .
6 The re-establishment of the Irish language as the first official language of the state became the national policy of the Irish government under de Valera and has only toned down in recent years .
7 For Courtney this was a return to Africa , for he had been a big-game hunter and had once canoed down the Nile from Lake Victoria .
8 He added : ‘ I have my own little semi and had already saved enough for my retirement .
9 Thomson 's free kick Pearce gets it clear and then won back by Hill but has only gone back to the Forest skipper .
10 We began with our partnership companies and have now moved on .
11 One can only hope that we , as the panda 's worst enemy , can somehow right our wrongs and have finally learnt how much we have to lose .
12 They have played their part well in industry And in other directions and have also contributed largely on the National Savings Schemes .
13 He travels with camels and has just got back .
14 I crossed the hall and had actually picked up the offending item before realizing its full implication ; my father , I recalled , had been brushing the entrance hall a half-hour or so earlier .
15 The medical association of Chile want to ban the sport and have effectively done so by prohibiting doctors from assisting at ringside .
16 I have just ‘ inherited ’ a Singer KE1200 Hi-Memory knitting machine and have now found out that it is obsolete .
17 THE Bears suffered their second defeat of the season in Scotland and have now won just one of their opening three Second Division Gold Cup matches .
18 Mr Major and his cabinet are in disarray and have evidently run out of ideas and of steam .
19 She lived in Oxford a s child and has now settled here again .
20 Assuming she has lived in the house for her whole period of ownership and has never nominated elsewhere as main residence there is no question of a CGT liability when she sells .
21 Blackburn sent a written apology to the umpire in question and has since apologised personally to him .
22 Then she thought of the Brownie Promise and the Brownie Law and the Brownie Motto , all of which she knew by heart and had often said aloud when riding along the country lanes , so that she would be able to say them if the wonderful day should come for her to join a Brownie Pack .
23 Since March 1990 Mid Glamorgan 's community drug team has seen a progressive increase in the number of users of anabolic steroids attending general needle exchange clinics and has therefore set up a separate service for these users .
24 The major conclusions are therefore that the market economy is a remarkably efficient way of creating wealth largely because it succeeds in utilising more information than alternative economic systems ; that for a market economy to work , the society of which it is part needs to believe in certain kinds of values : it must lay great store by individual responsibility and also have a non-egalitarian view of what constitutes social justice ; that the so called ‘ crisis ’ of capitalism results from a prevailing set of cultural values , typified by Freudianism and Marxism , which are contrary to those needed for the market economy to prosper , that humanism as a philosophy can not guarantee to generate the appropriate values , and that Christianity can provide such values and has indeed done so during the period of industrialisation throughout much of the Western world , but in consequence the kind of market economy which is then championed is different from that currently defined by the libertarian philosophy of Professor Friedman and Professor Hayek .
25 running from care : over half the 179 youngsters who had run from care were persistent absconders and had already run away at least five times before going to the safe house .
26 For professional development teachers the result was that they had only been able to learn through personal experience and had thus done so more slowly than was necessary :
27 Since she has done the unthinkable in LA and has never got round to buying herself a car , bus rides are the only way of getting around and the 6am commute to work brings her daily inspiration .
28 The Venice Soprintendenza certainly does not intend to miss out on such an opportunity and has already come up with a proposal , ‘ Dal Museo alla città ’ ( From Museum to City ) , which it estimates would cost L3.8 billion ( £1.76 million ; $3 million ) .
29 The sales build-up reached Denmark and the UK in March and has now taken off in Spain , Portugal and Iceland .
30 So let's sum up , I treated a similar case with 5 times the amount of fluid than the article used , the case was solid the next day and was viewed for 3 days and had no greying off and the colour was really good .
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