Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] a end to the " in BNC.

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1 The plan involved a 15 per cent consumption tax , extensive privatization of state enterprises , cuts in social welfare spending , the stimulation of investment and an end to the " cronyism " with which so many of the government 's appointments had been tainted .
2 Will he assure the people of that area that there will be an increase in employment opportunities and an end to the public spending cuts in the area , and will he guarantee the continuation of the job club , which is threatened with closure ?
3 A visit there convinced one EWO that there should be more emphasis on home — school liaison and an end to the practice of ‘ looking at school attendance as an enforcement issue .
4 In 1210 Peter and his friend Benedict , abbot of Stratford Langthorn , acted as intermediaries between King John and Stephen Langton [ q.v. ] , archbishop of Canterbury , unsuccessfully seeking a reconciliation and an end to the Interdict .
5 He started blustering about the general election and an end to the inflationary spiral .
6 It provided for ( i ) the barter , on the basis of world prices , of 1,000,000 tonnes of Cuban raw sugar for 1,600,000 tonnes of Russian oil in 1993 ; ( ii ) the preservation of Russia 's radio-electronic centre in Cuba , primarily to facilitate diplomatic traffic to North America and with its intelligence functions " minimized " ; ( iii ) the supply of Russian components and spare parts for existing Cuban weapons but an end to the export of new types of Russian weapons ; and ( iv ) the resumption of the construction of the Cuban Juraga nuclear power plant halted in September [ see p. 39090 ] , on the condition that the involvement of a third partner ( possibly France ) be agreed by Feb. 1 , 1993 .
7 These had included education in Hungarian , increased autonomy in local affairs and an end to the forced settlement of immigrants from elsewhere in Romania .
8 The People 's Assembly ( parliament ) on May 7-8 approved wide-ranging judicial reforms , including liberalization of the penal code and an end to the ban on religious propaganda .
9 We need more police officers , urgent changes to sentencing policy and an end to the nonesense whereby attempting to steal a car and attempting to drive while disqualified are no longer arrestable offences .
10 Mr Major said that plans for devolved Scottish , Welsh and regional assemblies , combined with moves to a federal Europe and an end to the first-past-the-post voting system , were ‘ of far greater importance than the general election itself ’ .
11 All that is needed is a positive approach and an end to the specious fear of isolation .
12 He thought these were helpful plans — something positive to get to grips with the habit and see an end to cash shortages in the housekeeping as money was siphoned off for another packet ; no more sandpaper taste in the mouth ; no clothes reeking of stale tobacco and an end to the shakes .
13 Things looked more hopeful now that the Poles were in full retreat and an end to the war was in sight .
14 Representing a wide spectrum of radical reformers — some members of the Communist Party , some members of the Popular Front — as well as ecologists , dissident members of the armed forces and religious groups , they carried banners demanding democracy and a free press , a multi-party system and an end to the Communists ' monopoly of power .
15 The changes are expected to provoke the loss of about a third of France 's 8,300 dock jobs and an end to the power of the CGT union .
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