Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [Wh det] [pers pn] [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 It may take anywhere from two to five or six hours , depending on the wood and the wind and what you had for breakfast and things like that .
2 reported that , an Environmental Health Officer in North Wales , had requested information about the Institute and what it stood for .
3 With the final umbrella of the Charter , which theoretically laid down the principles of the paper and what it stood for , the last bricks were put into the edifice .
4 Essentially , I am suggesting that what I am calling private metaphors were developed by managers as a means of coping with the dissonance between what is commonly accepted as being management theory and what they thought for themselves it ought to be in actuality .
5 Much taken aback , not least because Amy and I had had a number of conversations about her low opinion of the Church and what it stood for , I asked how she knew it was Jesus .
6 Do n't just count ; tell them how you got to the studio or what you had for breakfast .
7 She was afraid he would ask her about herself and to forestall this she asked him to tell her about his training and what he hoped for in the future .
8 Yet , without doubt , they would have been horrified by Morris Zapp and what he stood for .
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