Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [that] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And so it might , provided it was only a passing mention and that it contributed properly to the pattern of the book .
2 The Angel of Death was closer now , shadowed in the half-light from the church , the two marble attendants on guard at the mausoleum 's bronze doors , everything as usual except that tonight , I could have sworn that there was a third figure and that it moved out of the darkness towards me .
3 As Wildavsky ( 1975 , p. 42 ) states : ‘ It is not so much that traditional budgeting succeeds brilliantly on every criterion but that it does not entirely fail on any one that is responsible for its longevity . ’
4 The Church throughout the world received orders and instructions which it obeyed willingly enough , though sometimes it regretted that there were no arrangements for dialogue and that it had not been invited to collaborate ; the result was that unity had to be lived out in passive acceptance rather than celebrated in fraternity ( Pensiamo al Concilio 9 ; see Hebblethwaite , 1984 , p. 409 ) .
5 We think that it conserves services , that it has searched out the vast majority of efficiencies that we can find within this council and that it does n't pass on to the poll tax , council tax payers the fruits , I mean it does pass on the poll tax or council tax payers the fruits of how we have achieved savings and efficiencies over the last couple of years .
6 The parish priest of Brackenstown , Swords , County Dublin , distributed a newsletter at all masses on Ascension Thursday , 22 May — though before he had read Archbishop MacNamara 's guidelines on how to conduct the campaign — claiming that no-fault divorce was first introduced by Nazi Germany and that it had since wreaked ‘ more havoc on the Allied countries than any German army or air force ever did ’ ( Irish Times , 28 June 1986 ) .
7 He stresses that the decision was taken on the spur of the moment and that it seemed completely acceptable to everyone there at the time .
8 Najaar claims that it does not have any side-effects and that it does not affect the taste of food .
9 the stating of the price without making it clear , if it is the case , that it applies only to cash customers or that it does not apply to part-exchange deals or applies only in certain circumstances or does not apply in certain other circumstances ;
10 The f I often find that really the first year it was more fun and er then when they started on the plays and that it got more serious and
11 Applying these principles to the facts of this case , the central allegations were that Savory Milln knew that £23m of the sub-underwriting was being arranged through Mr Ferriday , knew that he was personally responsible for £7.5m and that it did not believe he had sufficient funds to cover his obligations .
12 Erm er I was concerned when my Noble Friend said that he 'd looked up Hallsbury but that it did n't contain the right words , er er I rather wonder whether he looked up so to speak the right version or the last version .
13 I said they were to write notes on large pieces of rough paper and that it did n't matter ( I always say this now ) about spelling .
14 Is it possible that a body was put in the basin early on Saturday morning and that it remained there until the next high tide without being seen ? ’
15 The hon. Member for Thurrock asked whether I did not know that if one took economic resources from one area and instilled them into others that was merely a way of upsetting the ordinary economic mechanism and that it did not result in any advances .
16 It is possible to argue either that the community charge has failed its first test as a device to improve the accountability of local government or that it has not really been tested at all .
17 Of one thing she was convinced , however , and that was that she had actually regressed to a previous life and that it had not simply been the work of her imagination .
18 The president claimed that only defensive weapons had been supplied to Iran and that it had all been legal .
19 ‘ . Yours is a common-sense interpretation which says that the company is entitled to the exemptions but that it chooses not to use them .
20 A duty is something black and white : once we know what it is that a body has a duty to do and what it actually did , we can say either that the authority has performed its duty or that it has not .
21 In addition , Lord Meston submits that the court also had ‘ rights of custody ’ in the context of the Convention , because it had made orders in the course of the cross-motions before it which indicated that it was seized of the matter and that it had not determined either the father 's or the mother 's substantive applications and had adjourned the hearing of the mother 's substantive application for custody and for leave to remove the child from the jurisdiction until a date in August .
22 What I like about them and where I think their strengths are is that they do put science , the physical sciences , in that bracket of activity which is fun , excitement and leisure and enjoyment and that it moves away from the notion that it 's something you do on a wet Friday afternoon at school .
23 What I like about them and where I think their strengths are is that they do put science , the physical sciences , in that bracket of activity which is fun , excitement and leisure and enjoyment and that it moves away from the notion that it 's something you do on a wet Friday afternoon at school .
24 Suppose , however , that God decided that the universe should finish up in a state of high order but that it did n't matter what state it started in .
25 Labour leaders in the USA claimed that NAFTA would destroy jobs and that it offered little concrete provision for retraining .
26 It is equally absurd , however , to claim ( as the industry does ) that advertising does not expand ( or slow the contraction of ) the market and that it does not in fact recruit new smokers .
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