Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [is] [adv] being [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Methanol could well become a significant fuel for transportation and is already being produced from natural gas in New Zealand .
2 Mr Goult 's pet terrier Champ was found lying by his side and is now being cared for at Huyton police station until a suitable home is found for him .
3 The open learning pack should be launched formally in February and is now being tested by 30 practitioners .
4 The Newbury Railway was originally laid to Brunel 's broad gauge and then relaid to standard gauge and is now being revived with a track gauge of two foot .
5 JACOB JABUNI YIDANA : a former Chief Superintendent of Police , he served an eight-year prison sentence and is now being held in administrative detention without charge or trial , apparently because he implicated his government in the 1982 murders of three High Court judges and a retired army officer .
6 It ran for 6 years in London 's West End and is still being performed professionally .
7 The product will follow HFC134a , which was also piloted at Widnes and is now being made on a full scale plant at nearby Runcorn , with a second currently built in Louisiana , US .
8 ‘ As a result of that the child was taken to a place of safety and is now being accommodated by the council , ’ a council spokesman said .
9 The Young England Rugby Club has been in existence for two years but is now being relaunched as a major part of the RFU youth initiative with its own clear aims and ambitions .
10 The centrally located site is owned by the received outline planning permission , unlike the proposed site at Linenhall Street in Lisburn , which has still to be released by the Department of the Environment and is currently being used as a car park .
11 In 1991 Boucher knocked Laing out in nine rounds but was ignored by all the world champions and is still being avoided .
12 It has been used successfully in the drilling of the first extended-reach well to the offshore extension of the Sherwood reservoir lying under Poole Bay and is now being used for the second well being drilled .
13 Ulster blood was spilt in two World Wars and is still being spilt here in our own mother country and what does Britain give us in return ?
14 He cancelled the operation at Middlesbrough General Hospital and is now being changed back to a man .
15 So I see evaluation as a very democratic activity , which allows people perhaps to appreciate each other 's viewpoints a little more than might otherwise be the case erm and does n't pretend that people all feel the same about things , but at the same time it does n't attempt to sort of countermand the realities of the situation that , you know , each person ca n't go their own sweet way , there have to be quite a lot of collective decisions and people have to recognise where the majority opinion is , but at least they do it from a standpoint that erm where they feel their own value still has some worth and is still being recognised .
16 The package has been tested in a number of Fields and is now being extended to the remaining African locations .
17 The Open Software Foundation is caught in the middle and is reportedly being pulled in both directions , with some of the OSF staff , not to say members , said to be questioning the wisdom of OSF chief David Tory 's appearance at the launch .
18 By the late 1970s the quality improvement process began to gain credence in the USA and is now being applied by some businesses in Europe .
19 Mrs Kemp , 52 , suffered several fractures and is still being treated in Doncaster where she was yesterday said to be ‘ fine . ’
20 It spreads quickly once inside the victim and is soon being circulated in the bloodstream .
21 In 1848 Prince Windischgrätz turned it into the headquarters of his General Staff ; it then became a special school for the Communist Party and is now being restored as the Academy of Music .
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