Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [subord] it is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When asked to endorse an SSR , managers are informed whether the package is intended for eventual issue as a product , so that they know if an SSR is liable to be sent to clients or if it is purely internal .
2 When asked to endorse an SSR , managers are informed whether the package is intended for eventual issue as a product , so that they know if an SSR is liable to be sent to clients or if it is purely internal .
3 It is not clear if the Government 's tactics over the last few days are typical of the muddle that has beset it in recent months or if it is deliberately designed to throw its opponents into confusion .
4 I would wait a few weeks to see if it grows or clears up of its own accord and if it is still there , go to the vet .
5 Much of the veneer of sediments resting on the oceanic crust of the downgoing plate will not be subducted since it is not firmly attached to the underlying crust and because it is not sufficiently dense to sink of its own accord into the asthenosphere .
6 The money should be transferred to the N U M and if it is not longer needed by those families , we would suggest that they give it back to help the formation of the independent labour movement in Russia .
7 And depending whether it 's a rectangular plot or whether it is n't or not or if it 's slightly at an angle then some of the corner houses have a fairly long gardens .
8 You are moving the position of the oxygen and although it is n't a er a er well no , functional group ?
9 The fungus has no heart nor ‘ Achilles ’ heal and unless it is completely destroyed to its limits , it will develop fresh strength and start again to devour the timberwork .
10 This situation is , of course , only one of an infinite number of models but while it is clearly impossible to generalize about the impact of party politics , any attempt to understand local public administration without reference to the party-political dimension is doomed to failure .
11 This is much more effective at muting impacts than any breast shield and though it is not allowed in competition proper , it removes much of the risk from pre-competition training .
12 Please could you let me know if the old mill chimney in the grounds of one of the houses there is a listed building and if it is not what is the correct procedure for having it listed .
13 Since and expresses so many connective meanings and as it is so frequent in speech it is not surprising that young children sometimes overuse it in their writing , as in this piece by an 8 year old boy :
14 Greg son ( 1987 : 5 ) asks ‘ whether locality can be approached as an object of study in its own right or whether it is simply another term for the case study method ? ’
15 The point is of some importance since a number of rules of procedure are growing to be applicable to Cabinet Committees and we ought to know where there is a real , useful distinction or whether it is merely the pragmatical difference that some are serviced by the Cabinet Office and some are not .
16 Courses of treatment vary from one to seven days and although it is always preferable to examine the male sexual partner of an infected woman , because of the difficulties of making the diagnosis in men it is sometimes justifiable to treat the male without confirming the diagnosis , particularly if it can be shown that reinfection has taken place .
17 Examine under the phase microscope and if it is too thin , spin down again and remove some of the fixative .
18 This information has been taken from the Advance Data Capture file and whilst it is not 100% correct I hope it will suffice for your purposes .
19 The importation of English grammar into BSL is a particular feature of low status languages , where the learner 's language interference may continue unchecked until there is a communication breakdown and where it is usually the lower status person who accepts the responsibility for the breakdown .
20 Next time you indulge in physical exercise , try to become aware of your mental and emotional state during the exercise routine and after it is over .
21 For many reasons , I reject this , not only because it is vile in its implications but because it is theoretically suspect and unsubstantiated by research .
22 Erm so it 's worth doing that we I , cos I was gon na go I was gon na go Thursday and just come back on the Monday but as it is now we 'll go Wednesday and have Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday night , so we 'll come back on the Monday .
23 We will discover whether there is a real commitment or whether it is simply words which they hope that the Scottish public will forget were ever uttered so that in the fullness of time they can shunt the companies off to the private sector to do with them as it will .
24 A contract of hire is a species of bailment and although it is readily distinguishable from sale in that general property is not intended to pass to the hirer , there are important public policy issues in a consumer hire context , which dictate that the owner be subject to similar liability to that visited upon the seller .
25 We have spent some time on the preliminaries , particularly the notation , because notation is essential for communication and because it is often neglected as a stage in attacking a problem .
26 The session was due to take place on Sunday at the Dolphin Centre but because it is also Mother 's Day some people were put off .
27 Er B B C radio York you are not in the South of France but as it is persistently snowing around the county at the moment I thought you know a little French flavour .
28 In chapter 9 , one of the issues which will be examined will be whether social policy measures can help to cope with unemployment or whether it is primarily an economic problem .
29 This might be the tiniest thing but if it is wrongly handled , it will inconvenience everyone and leave an uneasy or even bad memory .
30 The disagreement arises over whether the mind is the product of molecules and electricity or whether it is altogether of a more subtle nature .
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