Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [vb past] a [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 As soon as she 'd gone , I finished rolling Carol on to her side and threw a coat over her .
2 She pursed her lips and rubbed a hand over her thick brown hair .
3 He fumbled his way into the chair provided for visitors and put a hand over his lips so that I should n't see how close he was to tears .
4 That evening , Scott took his place at the news desk and ran an eye over his script .
5 She took the basket back into the dressing-room and threw a cloth over it , then began to undress , bundling her discarded clothes into the bottom of one of the huge built-in cupboards that lined the walls .
6 Ruth choked on her wine and smothered a napkin over her face .
7 I was trying to get myself comfortable on these padded seat things and had a blanket over me .
8 In one village , suddenly raided by the army at 2am , villagers made me lie on the ground and threw a blanket over me , telling the soldiers I was an old woman , too sick to move .
9 Once he 's shampooed and rinsed off , scrape off the excess with a plastic sweat scraper and put a rug over him .
10 During the middle rounds , when Mason still believed one punch could end it , he outjabbed the Wandsworth man and opened a cut over his left eye , but Mason rallied well and the last session in particular left no doubt as to which way the verdict would go .
11 And when you 've claimed that much land , why not go the whole hog and put a roof over it as well .
12 While Jinny served the tea Mrs Bennet brought a tall clothes maiden from the wash house and draped a sheet over it to give Anne and her mother some privacy .
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