Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [adv] [pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They had a new machine in , but after a pound or so I had mastered it and won an extra spaceship .
2 Over the last six months or so I have attempted to present you with a series of practical objectives designed and constructed to help achieve a higher degree of thoroughness in your command of the Pentatonic scale .
3 However , for the last 6 months or so he had ceased to make regular efforts to find a job .
4 In the U S A we 've appointed John President and so we 've got the structure that we wanted , with Peter as , as Chairman at the top and concentrating on er , on publishing as he ought to , one of the great publishers of the world , dealing with the authors , dealing with the agents and dealing with the editorial staff .
5 ‘ It was a tough match with a fair result and now we have got to do it all again on Thursday . ’
6 I mean Simon Greyson is not not picking up here neither is Colin Hill and really it 's come on a little bit sudden but that was totally unnecessary as well .
7 You know , very often when you go from one country to another you go through an area of re , what is called no man 's land , you come through from one frontier and then you 've got a distance and you come to the next frontier that does n't exist as far as accepting or rejecting Christ is concerned .
8 Nevertheless she 'd put it round her neck and there it had stayed ever since while she 'd tried with scant success to forget the brief period of ecstasy she 'd shared with the man whose gift it had been .
9 He believed there was a future for Swanage and therefore he had striven for a great number of years to improve it — ( laughter ) — but he was very glad that those who came from afar were pleased and satisfied .
10 from carrying too much weight and then they get hooked and they press them down and runs right down this leg .
11 The householder claimed that the burglar had jumped him in the dark and so he had stabbed him .
12 In section three erm I set out erm my basis for the valuation of all those criterion for each of the sectors and basically I 've adopted erm a fourth grade evaluation of each of the factors and you 'll see on table one , which is contained within section two , erm the er the summary of that consideration .
13 In nineteen eighty four the C E C and this Congress favoured moving away from full-time officers to labour and secretaries and indeed we have implemented that policy .
14 and , and Valerie and now they 've bought the daughter a car , she 's been a naughty girl really , they 've given her everything have n't they ?
15 Mr Deputy Speaker that 's exactly what the authorities are asked to make sure about and of course they must have sensible plans so that there are always beds and facilities for those who need them , but in a way it 's a success of care in the community that that more elderly people are being looked after in their own homes and so we 've arrested the very rapid growth in permanent residential places which was occurring before the policy was introduced er , as we now see , despite some gloomy forewarning , local authorities have in general managed well in the first year of their responsibilities , they 've examined thousands of cases and many people have been helped to make decisions about their own futures .
16 Because er we 've done sort of I must Where did I write that if I 've lost that list , I suppose to keep Erm , Ron , tin and then you 've got hankies did n't you ?
17 The ball come across and er I see Bedford had his back to the goal , and I could see he was going to swivel and hit it with his left foot , and I 've just come across the goal and er , he just hit it down low to my right hand side and luckily I 've come the right way and pushed it wide .
18 If they can change me from one to another by using hormones , they can now give me the male hormones and then I 've got everything I want . ’
19 Lubor 's lips were n't the right lips and subconsciously she had known it .
20 It 's almost mesmeric as well is n't it , this repetition of now , now , now between between the but as as you were saying , it 's sketching all the details in so you , if you were sketching a fox , you know you begin somewhere and say you begin with the nose you 've just got a little detail the nose and the eyes but eventually you 've got to put the whole sketch in .
21 But when they were originally written erm I think it were f seen as fairly low key but now they 've taken , assumed a much greater importance in terms of them being the actual service specification for the new careers services under the , the employment legislation .
22 They look better They all used to be one colour before but we 've now extended the range and so they 've put them in different colour bottles .
23 The advent of the car and the discovery of Keld by motorists have lessened the remoteness and loneliness of the village and recently it has become a crossroads of long-distance walkers , the Pennine Way and the Coast to Coast Walk meeting briefly at a footbridge over the river .
24 and er I mean and these were three young girls , they only just started to work and yet they 'd got a car and as soon as they finished they they were going on this picnic
25 The second point is that the staff and the community , with the support of the Labour group and now the Democrats , have finally got a compromise solution which may not give them everything but again gives them what is achievable within the political complexion of this council and they must now accept that there is an onus upon them to make it work and thirdly we have got to make sure that the staffing arrangements that are referred to in here and I quote there there 'd be posts for each centre who will be expected to add each with staff teams to coordinate the delivery of services by the two centres .
26 I do n't know , I 've never been in it , I 've just looked through the window and then they 've got junk , I mean that , that er
27 Like , they got the window and then they 've got erm a , a sliding
28 He put me on the committee and now they 've persuaded me to open the thing . ’
29 So I asked them in the lodge like do n't do any damage and Tom was in e he gave them a good lecture so and the lads in the lodge said , Well look you tell them as well not to do this attitude and perhaps you 've seen it on these flumes when they saw a crowd that was there they were changing gear with the Land Rover and through you know like anybody in the way you 'd be underneath .
30 So it 's best if they go off January and then they 've got time to send them back have n't they .
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