Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pers pn] [is] [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Acknowledge that today is Wednesday , but tell them that you bought it on Tuesday and it is bad and you want a replacement .
2 Also he 's on the run and he 's scared and he looks like hell . ’
3 It is aerobic and helps build stamina but it is difficult and potentially dangerous in traffic ; and like jogging it is easy to overdo .
4 A dog lost from Bulwell on Sunday morning it 's a Jack Russell with long hair and it 's white and black twelve years old and er it 's a bitch seven five two seven nine O seven five two seven nine O if you can help .
5 Erm the other thing was that the people at senior level need to be reminded , if they do have a major problem erm that 's David and Malcolm , erm where , if they 've got a rather difficult case and it 's urgent and they want a , they do n't wan na have to put it on a , on a fax , they want , they need it there and then erm , and they do n't like the telephone call facility , I said well , well that 's primarily for consultants .
6 when we went back in the kitchen and it 's hot but
7 It does n't come up with irrational error messages and it 's nice and simple to use .
8 His opponent jumps back and tries to fend off the blows with his own sabre but he 's off-balance and William presses forward , swinging the sabre in a hacking , sweeping motion , whacking the edge of the heavy curved blade into the side of his opponent 's torso .
9 do it with mince meat and it 's cheap and erm , but my , erm chopped onions , I ca n't , I 'm allergic to mushrooms , it 's nice with mushrooms in , if you like mushrooms
10 It is morning and it is sunny and there is a world to be explored .
11 I I 'm using LocoScript on the Amstrad and it 's adequate and I can then just port ASCII text files across into WordPerfect .
12 She says it the same sort of consistency as yogurt but it 's salty and it 's warm and it 's not very nice at all she said .
13 ‘ I 'm glad you are coming with me to Chapel Street , Letty , I know it 's only lodgings but it 's clean and respectable and it wo n't be for long , I promise you . ’
14 Stubbly is n't a big man and he 's unfit and much older than me , but violence is n't my scene .
15 It 's like a knife but it 's curved and it 's got a
16 Whereas you I mean it 's great you go into Birmingham Children 's Hospital and it 's red and blue and green and balloons and it was great !
17 It may seem very elementary lace but it is pretty and can be worked in a variety of yarns and , in particular , it does demonstrate how the process works .
18 It never has moved from there because our two chairs and it 's normally only two of us watching it , cos if we 've got visitors we never have it on , you know , er they just face that way and it 's convenient and that 's where we put it .
19 If the surgeon though is unable to perform his duties properly , for example if H I V infects his brain and he 's demented or he 's coughing up tubercle bacilli because of pneumonia , of course these are extreme complications , and there 's no way a hospital would allow a surgeon to continue to operate under such circumstances .
20 , he 's a beautiful cock bird and he 's big and he 's typically black bird and his black tail and his bright orange beak
21 Now this is your charity , it 's called the R Y A Seamanship Foundation and it does have close links with the R Y A but it is independent and is d is dependent upon raising money from donations and other sources like that .
22 It looks really weird seeing Christmas and it 's hot and they can go swimming and .
23 Moreover , the fund of 300 million is being provided for the purposes of compensating the owner of land for this reduced value … therefore the owner of land can have no possible claim to any part of the development value and it is logical and right that the State should , where development takes place , make a charge which represents the amount of the development value .
24 Er a dog lost from Bulwell on Sunday it 's long haired it 's a Jack Russell and it 's white and black it 's female no collar to call if you can help here .
25 The real Kilfinnan Fall is worth a special visit but it is elusive and is not the safest of access — hence the neglect .
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