Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pers pn] [vb mod] take [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Crawford recalled of Lennon , ‘ He 'd come in and sit cross-legged on the bed with his guitar or we 'd take his Rolls to the beach . ’
2 To conduct it is a devastating experience : it takes up all your mind and it will take you two or three days to recover from it .
3 Aggie pointed to the seat at the front of the cart , and immediately Millie had done so , she gripped the iron frame of the seat , heaved herself on to the first step , then , almost with a lunge , on to the seat ; but this time she did n't say , as she usually did , ‘ I 'm past this ; I 'll sit on the back in future and you 'll take him , ’ but she jerked the reins and put the pony into a trot .
4 So er , it only takes you a second to er copy from an adjacent cell but it could take you a minute or two to get that formula working again if it 's not copyable , erm , it would probably only takes you an extra few seconds er when you 're actually building the formula to make it , copyable in the first place so it 's well worth investing a few extra seconds up front to save you maybe a minute or so later on .
5 It has already become fashionable to knock Kylie Minogue but I can take it , ’ she added .
6 ‘ He is in for one hell of a battle and we will take him all the way to court if we have to . ’
7 Oh , too bad , she decided to cook some new potatoes and they could take them or leave them .
8 ‘ All you have to do is drop your opposition to my development plans and I 'll take you in as a partner , ’ Sugden urged as he mopped the orange-coloured dribbles off his chin .
9 Write out a cheque and we 'll take it back to town .
10 if you give me , write me a cheque and I 'll take it when I go out again , cos I wo n't have
11 Then the old old binder used to come in with two two year old stalwarts , horses , and he used to go round this field and it used to take him days .
12 Er , to start off with they do the full spiritual exercise of Ignatius Loyal all takes thirty days in silent retreat with a with an individual er under individual guidance with a , with a , a director or it could take anything from nine months to eighteen months to do in er day da da da living in open sort of retreat .
13 We get first hand information at the moment and we can take our problems to them .
14 I will ask you to write a little note to Uncle Willi and I will take it with us when we go .
15 I mean , if you want to just put it in that dustbin place and we 'll take it tomorrow .
16 Bliss said : ‘ Get through Customs and I 'll take you to the reception committee .
17 Belinda , wait in the foyer and I 'll take you home afterwards . ’
18 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
19 The rate of change in media will continue at this pace for some years and we can take nothing for granted .
20 When feeding your dogs do n't hand them their meat or they might take it from your elbow down .
21 So there was the swings and roundabouts where had they not recognized and had come along with us , to the extent that we thought we could do our , a sharing objective er and it brought them out of the , the attitude that was hitherto adopted where well management really could n't care very much you know , if a man did suffer the loss of er five pound a week or whatever you know , and , and once it was made clear to him that there was no further er er use of the procedure and he could take it through his district you know , if he liked , the man did n't , well on exceptional cases perhaps they may have taken a case through , but er in the majority of cases the man just accepted it , and made up his losses er er later on .
22 running taxi and it 'll take her to reception .
23 They would salt them down and let them lie in the brine for a while and they would take them out and dry them .
24 This is your chance and you must take it .
25 He said only , ‘ Punch and I will take it to Bodmin on Friday .
26 This route begins from Glen Nevis and you can take your car up to the head of the Glen and leave it in a packed car park , if you can find a space between the ice-cream vans and hot-dog vendors .
27 ‘ I had an uncle who was assistant editor of the Irish News and I used to take his supper down to him .
28 Perhaps it 's a magic train and it can take our love to Father . ’
29 we 'll go straight up to Taughmonagh go down the town early in the morning and I 'll take you to the shop where they maybe get you a rugby jumper
30 ‘ I think you 'd better stay a bit longer and Mary and I will take you home . ’
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