Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [conj] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , if the PRO is arranging feature coverage or if it is known that they will be available for photography their PR lives will be extended .
2 I can not help but marvel over the miracle of cordless technology when perched 40ft high , drilling through roof rafters with a cordless tool , not having to worry about tripping over the cable or whether it 's going to rain .
3 Erm whether it 's to do just with the words , like for dictionaries usage y'know or whether it 's to do with erm how language is strung together , functional use of grammar or whether it 's to do with units and repertoires and bigger units or whether it 's to do even with ideologies or yeah
4 Another lovely walk that the family occasionally took was to West Harnham or as it was known locally ‘ Watery Harnham ’ , a fitting nickname for there was always plenty in the rivers , streams and water meadows .
5 Erm whether it 's to do just with the words , like for dictionaries usage y'know or whether it 's to do with erm how language is strung together , functional use of grammar or whether it 's to do with units and repertoires and bigger units or whether it 's to do even with ideologies or yeah
6 ( vi ) If the court should hold that a right to sue in libel must be allowed to a local government authority , then , in the alternative , this court should , in extending the law of libel to permit actions by a local authority , impose particular restrictions or limitations upon the cause of action , namely that a local authority could only sue for libel upon proof of special damage ; and that the council would be required to prove both the falsity of the allegation and that it was published maliciously .
7 It arose from a groundswell of opinion in the EC that the internal market would be a success only where it had the support of both ‘ sides ’ of industry and if it was designed to benefit every citizen of the Community .
8 We duly went back to Sun , which claims there is to a deal , just like it said , has been for months and that it is moving lots of product .
9 Of the 10 cardinals , three had refused to sign the verdict , Francesco demanded a pardon and when it was refused he persuaded his brother to make life ‘ imprisonment ’ that of house arrest in the home of a sympathetic bishop .
10 We may be handling a horse and get a feeling that we are in tune with the horse and that it is accepting and even anticipating whatever we want to do : we are in rapport with the horse , and are communicating with the horse but in a way that is not through the other senses .
11 He stared wildly up at her cage roof but though it was buckled by the fall of the tree branch it was still intact and she could not escape .
12 The Shield of Cold is automatically dispelled if the wizard or unit he is with enters hand-to-hand combat , but otherwise remains in play for the remainder of the battle or until it is dispelled .
13 To check for a developmental role for these hypersensitive sites , the presence of the transgene was tested in newborn mice and where it was shown to be expressed ( data not shown ) .
14 Axil aims to price 20% below Sun and that it is targeting non-technical markets such as manufacturing , transport , financial services and health-care .
15 He also rejected arguments that the transcript did not fall within the term ‘ documents ’ in s 2(3) of the 1987 Act and that it was protected from disclosure by legal professional privilege .
16 The specification called for a fast vehicle with a low silhouette and when it was built , it proved to be the fastest tank in the British Army .
17 I believe that God 's forgiveness is one of the most blessed and therapeutic experiences and that it is offered to all who seek it …
18 Digital Equipment Corp says that its Alpha second source agreement with Mitsubishi Electric Corp is not an exclusive pact and that it is talking with other firms that may become second sources of the chip ; ‘ We are not looking for a large number of semiconductor partners , however we are having discussions with other semiconductor companies ; those relationships could happen at various levels , ’ — DEC may still seek other firms to design versions without the marketing that Mitsubishi is providing .
19 Boris Becker recently expressed the view that there was too much money in tennis and that it was ruining the game — a view of course that it is much easier to make objectively once you have £5m in the bank .
20 In Gurtin in the Omagh area , where Riofinex has already caused huge disturbance to local people simply through its exploration activities and where it is proposing to stripmine for gold , there is strong opposition which stretches across the political spectrum from Sinn Fein to the Democratic Unionist Party .
21 The whole point is , Chairman , the planning officers , both at the site inspection and when it was discussed er er er they were under no misapprehension that it was the height of the building which had been objected to actually .
22 and used steel cans and that it was costing them less to use that than it was to use
23 Good Guys sa a couple of times and whether it was gon na improve or not but it has n't !
24 Then there was the printing works : it had kept pace with the changing times and if it was put on the market there would be plenty of interest .
25 I thought — it was silly I know , but I thought perhaps seeing Aubrey had reminded you of Madeleine and that it was going to be as awful as it was when you came back from England after that holiday .
26 1817 " The Meeting impressd , with the distress of the Tenantry of the Island from the reduced state of the Price of Black Cattle &c. ; conceive it proper and necessary to make application to Shawfield and his Trustees for a reduction of Rent while the times continue so oppressing , but with proper delicacy to this subject they decline making application at Present and till it is ascertained how cattle markets may go in June next … "
27 The latter can entrap adult birds and if it is incorporated into nests it can cause chick mortality .
28 In May , 1991 , the Digital Information Group 's Software Industry Bulletin reported that SelecTronics expects to report a ‘ significant loss ’ for its financial year ended 31 March and that it is restructuring its business so that it manufactures handheld devices only when it has firm orders from its distribution channels .
29 Mr Sedley said the court would have to decide if the damage to property under the Act included contamination by nuclear matter or waste or if it was limited to ‘ injury ’ to the fabric .
30 erm device or whether it 's telling us something about human beings .
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