Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [conj] they [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Though mainly public gallery owners , the ADAA numbers a handful of private dealers as well , admitted because of their stature in the field or because they took their public concerns private .
2 Darwin realized that many secondary sexual differences were a consequence of the greater intensity of competition between males for access to mates and that many traits were more highly developed in males either because they conferred an advantage in fights or because they rendered their possessor more attractive to females .
3 The family did not own a car and so they made their journey by coach .
4 WHEN WE first got to New York , the reporters met the boat and because they printed our names in the papers the Stage Door Johnnies started pestering us ; they were a completely different sort from the European ones .
5 For the next three weeks or so they wean their babies on the frozen sea of the Gulf of St Lawrence .
6 His intention was to water both horses and while they had their nose-bags of oats , he would sit in the shade with his allowance and a bottle of cold tea .
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