Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [adv] they [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Last night I opened my eyes when it was dark and feeling a sudden want of air opened the window when to my astonishment I was in time to see Oreste carried past in the arms of an angel and I wept and called out to him but there was no reply and soon they were gone up to the heavens and lost sight of .
2 One day they had wandered to the cavern 's mouth and there they were struck unconscious by the bright sunlight .
3 So we made them a cup of tea and hopefully they were going to talk her into it .
4 Indeed the closer one focuses attention on the words and how they are made up , the less likely one is to understand what the passage is about .
5 The research also examines what impact these strategies have on the level and type of employment in the industry and how they are structured by wider gender , racial and class relations .
6 Erm and it 's different from site to site , but I can , the things that you can normally control are the labour and how they 're used and the plant and how it 's used .
7 It is these roles and how they were established that 1 shall describe in this chapter .
8 There were passing references to social services as investment but primarily they were seen in consumption terms .
9 The club has criticised the fans for not turning up in bigger numbers to support the club but now they are turning their criticism on the manager .
10 Disney had considered closing the park during the Winter months but instead they 're offering a whole package of cut price deals .
11 But various other bits of machinery which are now lying idle around the quarry probably would 've been better left in Italy or Spain or wherever they were acquired from .
12 Our research looked at mental health services in three areas and how they were affected by the introduction of care programming .
13 And then er that 's one of t the the boss made that cabinet there er it 's got the feet er but and these are what they call astricles These panes of glass are all in er individually you know , they 're all put in and to polish these wee astricles oh you you had to be very deli cos they 're very thin you know , and you had to flay them and polish and they lay them in the thing and then they they were fitted in and then the glass was The doors were sent to the glaziers Certain amount of polish on them and then the doors were sent to the glazers and then they were finished after that you know .
14 They have gone through privatization and ceased being Civil Servants and gone out into the cold and now they are suffering this blow , so they do , I think , deserve the most generous possible treatment .
15 so many exams and have more course work and now they 're complaining about cos it 's a hundred per cent course work in English , they 're complaining about that and they want to make it and a maximum thirty per cent course work within two years , or something something really stupid like that !
16 And then you 're gon na take 'em into Derbyshire and then they 're gon na go to Bosnia fairly quickly .
17 They came with a good suit on and they would go to work with a suit double breasted and then and they would work there and make a lot of money and when the next thing they would do they would hit into town and get all rigged out and then that was them from top to bottom from their hat right to their feet and then they were hitting the road then .
18 They 've got all this digital equipment and yet they 're standing down the end of a corridor …
19 The war had brought extra responsibilities to the village constable and now they were beginning to show in the tired lines on his face .
20 The study of systems of writing — for each system , graphology describes what graphemes are in its vocabulary and how they are used , as phonology does for phonemes .
21 potatoes and then they were boiled in a big boiler .
22 Their limbs , torsos and heads can make straight , angled or rounded lines , usually at one and the same time , according to the natural structure of the dancers ' bones and how they are activated by the muscles .
23 Their riches were stored in the banks under private accounts and then they were brought through Czechoslovakia and East Germany into the Soviet Union . ’
24 ‘ The crystals always grow in the same direction and then they are shaped , ’ they say .
25 What do you think of our personnel policies and how they 're working ?
26 Legal advice must be taken to ascertain the exact rules and how they are applied .
27 And what they do , I 'm going to try and show you on this doll in a minute , the hips are abducted which means they 're brought right up against the chest and then they 're pulled round and they 're rotated in the socket and you feel and listen for a click
28 They had taken the brunt of battle during the war against Chaos and yet they were reviled by their fellows .
29 Should he ask him what was going on at the top of the Ministry and why they were resurrecting the Zoser case ?
30 The convergence of the techniques will cast light on perspectives and how they are controlled .
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