Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [adv] over [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 2 The trick is to soften it even further — use the tiniest dab of dark aubergine or amethyst shadow and brush it over the lid , up into the crease and lightly over the eyeliner , to blur the edges .
2 On the other hand , I 'd be vibrated off the couch and all over the cabin .
3 Down through the old meat-market streets , into the tunnel with its rows of lights like neon stitching and its shiny cream tiles , up into Venus , then round the western edge of the harbour and back over the bridge to C Street .
4 There are stunning walks along the coast and inland over the North Downs Way .
5 They are the ones who — as one such teacher put it to me — are over the hump but not over the hill .
6 Well those ramblers and all over the place , mm .
7 My Lords , the short answer to this lies in the very extensive powers which Lord Chetwode [ the settlor ] had over the assets of the settlement and so over the share capital of Attleborough .
8 Then again , it is always possible they tokenised the ban a ) because they felt they could get away with it ; b ) because the stars involved are too big to lose ( especially the photogenic Krabbe ) from the firmament of German sport ; c ) because if it could all be made to look like a mistake , world athletics might look that much cleaner ; d ) because they feared a backlash from the disenfranchised trio , in the form of wholesale revelations about the extent of drug use in athletics , both in Germany and all over the world ; and e ) arising perhaps out of D , they do n't feel like visiting a heavy punishment on their own girls , when there are many others the world over who are equally deserving of banishment .
9 No doubt very precise control is exercised over the interfacial adhesion and thus over the propagation of cracks .
10 The also the big rotary blades on 'em are throwing all the grass over the pavement and all over the road and eventually finishes up all down the drains .
11 They changed that , so the money er it 's a bit different than the Maxwell , the money has n't been erm a switched over to the Cayman Islands and all over the place , it 's it 's stayed in , in the but of course we 're told by the trustees and by our legal advice that nothing illegal 's taken place , the money 's been used to st er finance early voluntary retirement etcetera , etcetera .
12 At the time when the Home Support Project first collected information about them , the majority got some informal care at least four days a week , ( three-quarters in the Ipswich control group and the Newham action group , two-thirds in the Ipswich action group and just over a half in the Newham control group ) .
13 Rub parsley and dill inside the body cavity of the fish and outside over the body and in the slits. use a zester or a knife to remove lemon rind , and cut into find strips .
14 from right next to the needle down to the point and just go round it and then you weave it in and out like basket stitching and out over the cotton and under the cotton
15 couple of things we saw each other and then over a space of about two months we saw each other probably about three times
16 NHS trust hospitals in my health authority area are sending people to Toronto , Paris and all over the world to learn how to do catering and cleaning .
17 So , next time you buy a guitar strap with ‘ Klondyke ’ on it , you 'll know what 's gone into making it the best , not just in the UK but all over the world .
18 Foundations for a stone wall , 3–4 m ( 10–13 ft ) wide , lay in front of the rampart and partly over the lip of the filled ditch .
19 In a sign of discontent within the National Party over economic policy and particularly over the budget , two backbench MPs , Gilbert Mylesand Hamish MacIntyre , resigned on Aug. 15 , stating their intention to remain in parliament and to found a new party " that brings honesty back into New Zealand politics " .
20 Bowen delivered the ideal ball into the penalty area and Sutton reached it before the advancing Norman only to flick it a yard or so over the top .
21 I have met people from Africa , Europe and all over the world .
22 Once upon a time teams from Britain and all over the world were seen under the lights .
23 Yeah , swinging around us , literally big panes of glass and they were flying down and as soon as they got away from the houses , it opened up again , they were crashing down all over my drive and all over the road out there
24 Narrowing my eyes against the Atlantic glitter I could see the line of a path that climbed from the bay and on over the headland to the west .
25 On his feet were huge settee springs and he bounced onto the grassy ground then high into the air and back over the wall again .
26 Then , with her back to the door , she sprinkled the rest of the contents of the bowl high into the air and out over the edge of the roof .
27 Extensive building schemes were projected not only in Rome and in Italy but all over the Empire .
28 For symptom scores a significant increase was defined as a rise in score of two points or more over the score at euglycaemia , again for two or more consecutive readings .
29 Rinse the print downwards so that the ferri. runs off the print and not over the image .
30 Rinse the prints downwards so that the ferri.runs off the print and not over the image .
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