Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They 're either in the , in the erm , little cupboard in the downstairs loo or they 're in the bathroom .
2 that 's , that 's gon na happen and the fellows go along with it like when Tony first decided to move and that I thought oh great he 's found a place back in Basingstoke you know , we went and looked at them and everything and he turns round and changes his mind or he 's in the , you know he 's worried or nervous
3 He is there to listen to the evidence , to present the evidence to the jury , the jury then , say , whether the man in the dock or woman in the dock or whatever 's in the dock , is guilty or not guilty .
4 There was a pool of isolation and she was in the middle of it .
5 Beetles had fed on the pollen of cycads and they were among the first to transfer their attentions to the early flowers like those of magnolias and waterlilies .
6 Her name was Nellie and she was in the same class as me at school and her family had not long moved into the neighbourhood .
7 Oh the thing in front of me it 's Malcolm Adams and I 'm with the National Association of British Steel Pensions .
8 No , there will be guidelines and you 're in the know anyway so you 'd be telling at your curriculum area meetings , you 'd be saying
9 one were the one was for the artillery and one was for the infantry .
10 I 'm joined by Phyllis Starkey , she 's the leader of the Oxford City Council , the leader of the Labour Group , and Michael Wright is from the Liberal Democrats , and Queenie Warley is a former mayor and she 's from the Conservative benches .
11 I am sure we all have one objective in mind , which is how we can best serve our members , and I 'm sure that both Richard and I are of the same view on this .
12 A hurried tea and they were on the move again .
13 When Corkill , of Darlington , Co Durham , was stopped by police , the boy was in her car and she was over the drink-drive limit , Teesside magistrates heard .
14 It 's the most irritable type of scalp condition and it 's on the increase .
15 We still keep meat pies and vegetables in the freezer but only for emergencies and I 'm in the third year of the course now .
16 Within an hour he had kissed Maeve adieu and they were on the road south to Westminster .
17 Sad and profound chants are intoned in the wind and I am in the presence of a numberless and devout congregation .
18 Or C , take it as a real compliment and you are on the same wavelength ?
19 They beat Malvern Vale who were another erm of the promotion contenders , three nil today , so Maidenhead and ourselves are in the same relationship as we were before the game .
20 I ca n't understand that either , they ai n't getting no relief off of their poll tax and yet they 're , yet she 's not at work and he 's on the dole , and they still having to pay full whack .
21 Ardneavie House is big — at least ten bedrooms — and Lucinda and Jane and me are on the top floor with the boat's-crew Wrens .
22 ( 2 ) That a requirement that the plaintiffs should give an undertaking had no justification in Community law since any obligation to make good any damage suffered by the defendants in the event of section 47 being found to be in breach of article 30 of the Treaty would fall upon the United Kingdom Government ; that accordingly , the question was to be decided on the ordinary principles of English law and it was within the judge 's discretion not to require an undertaking in damages ; and that in the circumstances , the grant of an interlocutory injunction was fully justified and should be restored ( post , pp. 173D–F , 189A–H , 190A–C , D , D–E ) .
23 He looks like him but he 's in green and he 's like the Punisher but he 's trigger happy boy .
24 The present provisions were introduced by Part IV of the Companies Act 1989 which inserted a new Part XII into the 1985 Act and it is to the 1989 interpolations that reference will be made throughout this chapter .
25 It was 1975 and I was being charged under the Obscene Publications Act and it was like the Oz trial , so I was interviewed .
26 Most training jumps are done from a height of 12,000 feet ; any higher and you need oxygen and you 're in the realms of military freefall , which is just what we 'll be looking at in part 3 of Free fall USA .
27 ‘ That old woman did the business , word-perfect , she was perfect , the jury took one look at that little old lady and he was off the hook , she never made a slip .
28 Completion of a certificate will give students a half credit towards a master 's degree and we are in the process of developing a half-credit MA module on Research Methods to complement this .
29 ‘ He was very much an East End boy and I was from the country , ’ explains Shrimpton .
30 It was as we started our second run and we were at the lights at the corner of Portman Square , that I saw the cops had concentrated themselves on the traffic island in Baker Street .
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