Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] [Wh det] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A important element in this kind of work and one which is often overlooked , is the discussion which takes place .
2 The ability to work well as a member of a team is a life skill and one which is increasingly valued in the world of work .
3 What is easier than to look at the most conspicuous item in the marketing budget and one which is largely the concern of an outside supplier , at that ?
4 These are a powerful way of ‘ talking ’ with your subconscious , since it deals much more readily with symbols and images than with words , and does not distinguish between a ‘ real ’ experience and one which is vividly imagined .
5 Would I be prepared to take less money for doing a ‘ caring ’ job or one which is very creative ?
6 It is a creative process , not a past process and something which is just stored away and lost and kept for the future .
7 There are songs in Latin , songs in Gaelic , a song about an evacuee and one which is clearly a prayer .
8 The right hon. Gentleman knows — there can be no doubt about it — that , until recently , as the foundations of the poll tax crashed around his ears , he was still proclaiming it to be a remarkable success and something which was here to stay .
9 Pick up any book ( not a children 's book or one which is highly technical or full of pictures ) and open it where you have two complete pages of text .
10 A county court action is likely to provide a quicker hearing and one which is more convenient to the parties than a High Court hearing .
11 It is a very exciting challenge and one which is long overdue .
12 The tie lines are so congested it is n't true , especially with accounts being at Stansted and apparently there has been a proposal in since last March with all the costings and everything which is still waiting on an answer for improved lines which would actually take some of the computer lines and everything .
13 So you have a very particular view of the constitution , that given by the founding fathers and one which is still in force some seventy eighty years later as America headed towards its most momentous and divisive crisis in its history .
14 A far less common problem but one which is much more dramatic is if you put your weight too far forward .
15 However , not all change of state verbs can be expected to occur with adverbal adjectives even then ; for instance , murder and burn do indeed produce a change of state that can be described by an adjective but one which is so intimately linked to the nature of the verb and so banally obvious that the adjective describing the object is otiose .
16 The prevalent merchant culture in the early Italian city-republics , notably in Florence — one of the largest cities in Europe at the time and one which is well known for its lauda tradition — provided the ideal climate for the development of the lay companies .
17 The ultimate sanction and one which is most commonly applied is for the mortgagee to sell .
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