Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] [vb -s] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There will be no arguments over who gets which CDs and who gets which half of the dining table .
2 Today likewise Piraeus ' importance makes it much more than a mere annex of Athens and it has its own political traditions , regularly voting communist .
3 You , you know how I feel , I mean er Rob does a lot of good work but he keeps it all to himself and we 've got ta be bigger than keeping it to ourselves , it 's everybody 's responsibility vocational education from right down from year seven right the way across the board , they 've got ta
4 It is natural for mathematicians to be the first to study problem solving but it surprises me that other disciplines have been so slow .
5 ‘ You pays your money and you takes your chance'-that was war .
6 This provides the best possible security for their workforces but it means something more in terms of the ‘ family silver ’ .
7 It may be a wonderful alternative to fossil fuel but it brings its own problems .
8 It 's more of an English tweed suit of a butterfly than a Sultan 's robe but it has its own uniqueness and beauty .
9 The remaining two use many sources and one undertakes its own detailed analyses which are done regularly not only for the planning process but for general economic surveys of geographical areas , industries etc .
10 Well you heard what he said he wants his children to have a good education and he pushes them all the time , they 've got ta if they do anything
11 A complex dedicated simulator can cost several million pounds and it needs its own crew of skilled operators .
12 like the radio , T V and it muffles it all out .
13 You get wee hooks and you hang them up and they stick there right , and just put your cups on it in a row and it gives you more room on the table .
14 Her third novel , Another Sort of is due on the shelves by September and she has plenty more ideas in the offing .
15 This is probably nowhere near as long as your list but it gives you some idea of how much detail is needed in recording items .
16 The girls are required to plan their own day , and when they are used to this system , most prefer it to the structure of school and it gives them some control over their daily lives .
17 We learn why we are frightened by wasps and it makes us more frightened .
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