Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] [vb past] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His name was Roberto Coloni and he had been in hospital following a bad fall in which he had broken his shoulder blade , forearm and two ribs , as well as suffering bad concussion , which had affected his hearing .
2 And having confided in her , she discussed her troubles with Don Burrell , the Canadian with whom she had stayed when on a school exchange to the States and who had been like a second father since the death of her own .
3 Carson Buchanan , Alf Jacobson and I had been in charge of the arrangements and a liberal supply of liquid refreshment was on hand to demonstrate our hospitality as ‘ The Friendly City ’ .
4 Before , I loved being at home but I loved being in work too and I do miss it , the girls and all .
5 Not only had it been obvious from the map that they were ninety degrees off course but they had been on tarmac for nine miles after being told that the track in In Salah was dirt from its start .
6 Darren had been dead a couple of months ; I had fallen out with my father and I 'd been in London for most of the summer , staying with Aunt Ilsa and her long-term companion , whose only name appeared to be Mr Gibbon , which I thought made him sound like a cat for some reason …
7 as if to underline how huge the task of changing public opinion would be , and of making people see that the hostages mattered , it had been spelled out in a television programme I had taken part in the previous November when Mary and I had been in Paris .
8 She had assumed they were going to his friend 's colourful flat but they had been on the motorway for several miles and the road signs said they were travelling north .
9 There were one night the door and we 'd been in quarantine you know for th that three weeks .
10 He had never been a party-goer and it had been against his better judgement that they agreed to join Ibn Fayoud 's party .
11 A week earlier Steve and I had been on our way to the summit of Ultar with a pair of 150 foot ropes .
12 ‘ When he came back he announced it was the King who had died in his sleep and it had been on the wireless . ’
13 And this man he was a regular dustbin , dustbin man and he 'd been at it all his life and he used to play cards with us and his family , his sons , and , and as many else as got any money to play pontoon or brag .
14 However fourteen days later they were still pulling out er live babies and they 'd been in there in the rubble for fourteen days .
15 , we went in the August and they were back by September , so he could start back well school and I 'd been in , in the summer holidays and they said and I felt poor little bastard , got to start a new school , he ai n't gon na know anybody
16 Then the , the Assistant Secretary for Education was erm a very interesting chap erm he was a Mr A O D and erm he was , he had erm an elementary school background , he had n't a degree or any qualification but he 'd been in so long that er he 'd worked his way up to erm , s erm to Assistant Secretary for Education and he was a jolly chap and erm and he produced a , a dictionary of erm , of the Suffolk dialect which has became quite erm , quite a classic work really
17 He was beginning to get a bit homesick since they 'd stopped travelling and he 'd been on his own .
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