Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [not/n't] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The imminent publication of guidelines on employing counsellors in primary care prepared by a working party of the British Association for Counselling will greatly help those family health services authorities and general practitioners who have yet to develop such guidelines or do not understand how to assess the qualifications and competence of counsellors they wish to employ and work with .
2 Julia smiled at him and then looked across the round table at Anthony as though to persuade him to get Comfort to behave better , but either he misunderstood her signals or did not care enough , for he sat , watching his sister , laughing at her jokes and joining in her reminiscences .
3 Of course it was only an experiment and did n't last long : by 1884 the Court Directory for London lists William as an engraver once more — this generation of Titfords seemed to lack the heart for such enterprises , which had been the speciality of their father , Benjamin the Silversmith .
4 Burger was n't here this afternoon ; he 's a bit doddery on his legs and does n't get about much .
5 He 's lost the use of his legs and does n't get about much but Uncle went to see him two or three times a week . ’
6 An inspector and two crews were stranded at Fleetwood and did not get home until 5.00 p.m. the next day .
7 Every day when Dad came home from work he went into the bedroom and did n't come out .
8 It is not as it may be interpreted a message of hope that the sun might still wake him but rather one of despair that even the sun is at a loss and does not know how to wake him .
9 The King closed his eyes and did not speak again .
10 They lack confidence , simple as that and one of the things is that as a group you come in and you probably look at people when you and you look at the trainers and the idea is that early on people can do , can keep some eye contact gon na stare you out but just keeping your eyes and do n't flit away and also when you 're under pressure at this stage his eyes challenge you or something like that , then your eyes go down .
11 This takes a bit of practice and does not work well if you hands tend to be on the clammy side !
12 The Court was not asked to consider the effects of this violation and did not do so .
13 He walked to his car and did not look back or glance in her direction as he drove quickly out of the drive .
14 If you are driving alone in a car , do not stop to pick up hitch-hikers , always lock all your doors if you are sitting in a parked car and do not roll down the window to give a suspicious looking stranger directions .
15 Take Hector and do n't come back , either of you , until he has gone .
16 The purpose of of these four orders , which I must say I greatly welcome , it is one of the , the most beneficial things to come out of the B C C I er disaster er and er i if I can say in in effectively in answer to everything the honourable gentleman for Great Grimsby said and he and I have debated on many occasions , if fact usually on the television not on the floor of the house , but er an an an an because of it for not quite so long either , er but erm th the point I would make to his is that really what he was saying was th that what went wrong with B C C I is that Price Waterhouse knew there was fraud and did n't say so and that wha what Lord Justice Bingham pointed out was that there is a clear conflict of interest between the interest of the client who they work for and the public interest and that what needed , what was needed was some amendment to the banking act to clarify that and that is precisely what er this order actually does and you ca n't really er Madam Deputy Speaker , expect anyone to really seriously criticise the government when in actual fact not only have they come up with the regulation to deal with that but they 've also gone further and said we will apply this to financial services and to building societies and to insurance companies as well , just to be absolutely sure .
17 The result was a whiplash neck that required him to wear a brace between performances and did not heal completely for three years .
18 I knew , of course , that one or other of the suore kept a constant eye on how we behaved , and I knew too that had they noticed anything ‘ unusual ’ I would have been given a severe talking-to and told not to come back .
19 The difference between the 13 C of atmospheric CO 2 and leaf carbon of maize ( and certain other C4 species ) is conservative across environments and did not vary significantly with [ CO 2 ] ( B.D.M. et al. , manuscript in preparation ) , enabling us to use the 13 C of C4 leaves as a proxy for the 13 C of chamber air .
20 We 've got ta buy players Deane 's having a mare and Hodge is n't premier league material — he 's had a fairly long run in the side and has n't produced as much as Rocky did in his few opportunities .
21 We 've got ta buy players Deane 's having a mare and Hodge is n't premier league material — he 's had a fairly long run in the side and has n't produced as much as Rocky did in his few opportunities .
22 The Wisharts , who lived in North London , were not looking forward to the long train journey one little bit ; being just after the war , the trains were run down , lacked essential maintenance and did n't keep very good time , so the Wisharts regarded the prospects of the journey with considerable misgivings .
23 The companies rather lamely contend that the market determines fair prices and that the government 's demands can not be met since they do not track much of the data and do not sell directly to customers .
24 Then suddenly he sees Piquet go into a spin and does n't get back into the field for a long time .
25 Maybe something will happen that will liberate me from your clutches , so I do n't have to produce your boring designs and do n't end up bankrupt paying your money back , either ! ’
26 He just collected animals but did n't know how to look after them .
27 L M Ericsson Telefon AB is to buy the remaining 28% equity it does not already own in its Teleindustria Ericsson SA in Mexico but does not say how much it is offering : the shares are held by Mexican and foreign institutional investors , as well as by individual minorities .
28 These migrants differed in some important respects from the 46% of applicants who were non–enrollers , ( those who applied to a particular institution but did not go on to enrol anywhere ) .
29 She wanted to make amends but did n't know how to .
30 We may have discovered a statistical effect but do not understand how it operates ; the brute fact that people who have experienced unemployment are more rebellious in spirit does not itself explain why this occurs ( see diagram ) .
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