Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [pers pn] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She longed to cling to him , to put her arms around his neck and beg him not to go .
2 Along with four other intellectuals , including Regis Debray , feminist writer Elisabeth Badinter signed an open letter to Mr Jospin , saying that the scarf is a symbol of Muslim women 's oppression and warning him not to capitulate .
3 I 've given him an anti-tetanus injection and told him not to shave over those scratches for the next few days . ’
4 He woke me at two this morning and gave me his best horse and bid me not to stop till I had overtaken you on the way .
5 So I fell on my knees and asked them not to punish the child any more .
6 He indicated that he would telephone the editor and direct him not to publish anything .
7 A deputation of Baldwin , the Lord Chancellor ( Cave ) and the Duke of Devonshire was appointed to wait upon Bonar Law and persuade him not to resign .
8 I scampered to his window and begged him not to call my remaining number , but he did .
9 On the parents ' separation the mother initially left the four children of the marriage with the father in the former matrimonial home but on her subsequently removing one of the children the father applied ex parte for orders , including a residence order , a prohibited steps order and a specific issue order pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 requiring her to return the child and directing her not to remove any of the children from the father 's care and control .
10 Roman thanked the girl and asked her not to tell Mr Smith he had been asking for him .
11 The boss nurse gave her two minutes and told her not to talk .
12 I thanked the baker and begged him not to let Granpa know what I was about , as I wanted to close the metsieh before he found out .
13 From the day of their first meeting , Paul Alexandre was struck by his prodigious artistic talents and begged him not to destroy any of his studies , offering him what little money a young doctor could spare .
14 He grabbed at my hands and held them to his chest and begged me not to say such a thing .
15 This time I simply wrote him a decent-sized cheque and told him not to worry about repaying it .
16 He could talk to Michael Harvey and trust him not to make use of what he said .
17 Keep them to objective statements and re-remind them not to speculate on subjective reasons like ‘ emotional rejection ’ , ‘ lack of love ’ , etc .
18 She urged GPs to involve themselves actively in offering support but warned them not to belittle the efforts of dedicated relatives and friends struggling to look after the sick and elderly in their homes .
19 ‘ A friend of yours called Bunny rang last night and told you not to forget that you 're playing at Christopher 's place this morning , ’ said Doogie , then nodded to himself , pleased that he 'd remembered his lines .
20 He might have made a significant contribution to the public life of this country had he not been totally overshadowed by his illustrious father and had he not had such a burning desire to shine as bright or even brighter .
21 Give my regards to your father and tell him not to worry . ’
22 Yes , she would go into the country rather than to a seaside resort , for they were full of old , retired , ill-tempered people and had she not had her full share of that ?
23 In November 1988 Nelson was charged with threatening to kill a man from Sandy Row and warning him not to attend court as a witness in an assault case .
24 Bejan greeted the 75 audience members and told them not to hold back — and they did n't , loudly voicing their preferences .
25 MDU members felt that Batmönh was the only leader capable of making responsible decisions and begged him not to resign the presidency .
26 John told Anne that this was embarkation leave and he would soon be going to France but warned her not to mention it to anyone .
27 He knew somehow that I was dealing with this section and gave me the serial number of a wagon and told me not to go anywhere near it .
28 If you have to clean a patient 's eyes , take great care and ask them not to move .
29 By an application dated 17 March 1992 the father applied ex parte for an injunction requiring the mother , inter alia , to return the child , A. , to his care and directing her not to remove or attempt to remove the other children , G. , R. and M. from his care without consent .
30 Vulnerable to the attacks of his enemies because of his religion , he publicly said little of the role of Catholics in the colony and urged them not to put themselves forward prominently .
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