Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [noun pl] [am/are] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In practice , the nationalized industries are subject to Whitehall and civil servants often re-examine the major management decisions ( and some minor ones ) in case points of principle arise , in particular considering whether investment and pricing policies are satisfactory from the ministry 's point of view .
2 A small number of teaching assistantships and teaching supplements are available annually in some Faculties .
3 Staff information seminars and internal audit training sessions are under way and staff in the Assessment Services and Administration and Finance Departments are busy writing procedures in line with the requirements of BS 5750 .
4 It 's been running a similar pilot scheme at the Radcliffe Infirmary for the past eighteen months and says consultants are enthusiastic about the results .
5 CONSIDERABLE time and effort has gone into gathering information and analysing data with the aim of accelerating delivery of invoices to our clients and to ensure invoices are complete and correct in every detail .
6 It will be noted that where there is no penetration but aggravating circumstances exist , the maximum penalty which can be imposed is heavier than in cases where there is sexual penetration but aggravating circumstances are absent .
7 Provision has been made for wheelchair users , although not all buildings are accessible ; special equipment and support services are available for those with particular needs .
8 Since the consumption and saving lines are straight lines and so have constant slopes , the mpc and mps are also constant in this example .
9 The BACKUP and RESTORE programs are opposite to each other , one will backup your programs to floppy disks and the other allows you to restore them to your hard drive .
10 Polishing and scouring materials are similar to those in use today .
11 Routine blood tests of renal function and liver function and clotting studies are unhelpful in the investigation of patients with iron deficiency anaemia .
12 Not all functions , moreover , are mandatory upon local authorities ; some , like the provision of leisure centres , art galleries and playing fields are permissive ( which means the authority has a choice whether or not to provide them ) .
13 As the same alanine and glycine codons are present at these positions in both human and bovine cDNA sequences and because the human gene , where analysed ( data not shown ) , has the same intron/exon boundaries , we suggest that these conclusions are applicable to the GGF gene structure and to the mRNA splicing patterns in both species .
14 In the country , blackbirds and mistle thrushes are likely to have stripped most of the glistening haws by the end of November .
15 The derivation of the no-arbitrage condition requires that the risk-free borrowing and lending rates are equal .
16 Both rugose and tabulate corals are extinct .
17 Labour 's tax and benefit changes are self-financing .
18 The Module Name and Issue fields are self explanatory .
19 The Module Name and Issue fields are self explanatory .
20 The Module Name and Issue fields are self explanatory .
21 The Module Name and Issue fields are self explanatory .
22 The Package Name and Issue fields are self explanatory , The Selection column shows how each package selects the package immediately below it in the structure ; ie. SELECTED , LATEST or PREFERRED .
23 The Module Name and Issue fields are self explanatory .
24 Full details of trading and travel arrangements are available from the fair 's Europe and North America agent , Margaret Ling , ZIBF ( UK ) Ltd , , ( ) , or from ZIBF , ( ) .
25 If aids or alterations such as handrails or alarm buttons are likely to be needed , the nurse may liaise with an occupational therapist and social worker about having them supplied .
26 As far as those who experience difficulties in learning or have disabilities are concerned there are ‘ excluders ’ and ‘ includers ’ .
27 The tradition that stone circles and standing stones are human beings who have been turned to stone because of some misdemeanour is widespread and seems to point to some memory of the ritual use of these sites in ancient times .
28 Full details and booking forms are available from Please book now to avoid disappointment .
29 Full details and booking forms are available from .
30 Various pads and securing pants are available to meet all degrees of incontinence .
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