Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [prep] any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the strictness of my own father 's wisdom , he instilled into me a deep respect for the opposite sex , so that there was no physical play or caress with any women until after I had married my wife .
2 Those planning to enter public relations in the future will not be able to offer superficial solutions or thinking to any client .
3 These express the beliefs of law and order , and justice and freedom , hegemonic beliefs necessary for both citizen and state in any society aspiring to some model of equality .
4 Our ability to ‘ read ’ objects for their social appropriateness and to impose upon any series or new forms that order which would make them culturally acceptable does not in any respect lessen the place of strategy , or the possibility of intent ; both , however , are accomplished within objective conditions of which we have an underlying experience , even if we choose to deny them in formulating strategy .
5 The Department of Materials Engineering and Materials Design seeks applications for a full-time position in order to undertake research and teaching in any aspect of materials science and engineering consistent with current multidisciplinary activities .
6 ( d ) If a person is voluntarily helping the police , that person is entitled to terminate the interview and leave at any time .
7 The teacher can talk about the way the child is responding to the new setting and listen to any concerns or worries that the parents might have .
8 If a right of action be denied to the child it will be compelled , without any fault on its part , to go through life carrying the seal of another 's fault and bearing a very heavy burden of infirmity and inconvenience without any compensation therefor .
9 If a right of action be denied to the child it will be compelled , without any fault on its part , to go through life carrying the seal of another 's fault and bearing a very heavy burden of infirmity and inconvenience without any compensation therefor .
10 Raising the trapdoor a little more so he could see out , he cautiously pushed out the barrel of the shotgun and checked for any sign of enemy personnel , as best as he could in his limited field of vision .
11 It is an offence under Section 47(2) to do any act or engage in any course of conduct which creates a false or misleading impression as to the market price or value of any investments if the purpose is to create that impression and thereby induce another person to acquire , dispose of , subscribe for or underwrite those investments or to refrain from doing so or to exercise or refrain from exercising any rights conferred by those investments .
12 Section 47(2) of the FSA makes it an offence for a person to carry out any act or engage in any course of conduct which creates a false or misleading impression about the market in , or the price or value of , any investment .
13 It is left to the supervisor to specify how and to what extent a child shall live away from home or participate in any activities under these provisions .
14 Er , and we are not in terms of any comparative statistics that are providing costs on management and support in any way a high spender vis a vis other local authorities , .
15 All that glitters may not be gold , but these decorations would add elegance and sparkle to any Christmas tree .
16 Postponing taxes is an unusual departure for a Chancellor and ties in any successor , should Mr Lamont be moved in a Cabinet reshuffle .
17 ‘ Of course schools will want to continue their good practice of regular reports to parents and responding to any concerns parents might have .
18 Tutors/Students Packs ( Modular System ) By now all tutors should have received their free copy of the above , with a request from National Office to check the text and to advise of any errors or omissions without delay .
19 Colchester police issued a photograph of Lisa and appealed for any sightings of her to be reported .
20 A promise which ensures that every garment — and not just the fabric , is totally waterproof for your complete protection and comfort in any weather .
21 Most young people who try sniffing ( and remember , those who try sniffing are only a small minority ) will only do it a few times and stop without any help from adults .
22 The committee was appointed to consider powers of delegated legislation and quasi-judicial decision and to report on any safeguards needed ‘ to secure the constitutional principles of the sovereignty of Parliament and the supremacy of the Law ’ .
23 Read their notes and check for any change in their condition .
24 This is particularly important if your girlfriend is having her period or bleeding in any way .
25 It 's nothing , this is the way I deal with it , if I treat this job , if I go in to a shop or ask for any service I expect , you know , the same that I give , and basically speaking then I 'm pleased .
26 ‘ Before any enactment existed with regard to actions by solicitors for their costs , a solicitor stood in the same position as any other person who has done work for another at his request , and could sue as soon as the work which he was retained to do was finished , without having delivered any signed bill of costs or waiting for any time after the delivery of such a bill .
27 There does n't seem to be any emphasis on rehabilitation or help in any respect .
28 Because it was easy to launch them , a great diversity of colonies sprang up and usually they were neither compelled by any external danger nor persuaded by any liking for their neighbours to come to closer terms with one another .
29 ‘ And Mama has written to say how grateful she is that we 'll be able to see how the old house has stood up to the war and cope with any disasters for her . ’
30 ( d ) To acquire or undertake the whole or any part of the business , goodwill , and assets of any person , firm , or company carrying on or proposing to carry on the business or any part of the business which the Company is authorised to carry on and as part of the consideration for such acquisition to undertake all or any of the liabilities of such person , firm or company , or to acquire an interest in , amalgamate with , or enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits , or for co-operation , or for mutual assistance with any such person , firm or company , or for subsidising or otherwise assisting any person , firm or company , and to give or accept by way of consideration for any of the acts or things aforesaid or property acquired , any shares , debentures , debenture stock or securities that may be agreed upon , and to hold and retain , or sell , mortgage and deal with any shares , debentures , debenture stock of securities so received .
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