Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] as [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Cowley took the phone from Roz Hatch as she picked it up and passed it to him , then left him to his privacy .
2 And so it was for Former Labour Leader Michael Foot and front bench spokesmen , Chris Smith and Donald Dewar as they slugged it out with John Patten and Peter Lilley .
3 By then the faster truck , La Resurrección , had pulled over and I had a blurred impression of brilliantly painted pictures of Bethlehem , the birth and the Virgin Mary as I passed it .
4 Now , if you consider all possible ways in which the rocks of Mont Blanc could have been thrown together , it is true that only one of them would make Mont Blanc as we know it .
5 But Mont Blanc as we know it is defined with hindsight .
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