Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] [modal v] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 And he does not like to be reminded of the gaffes he made as deputy chairman — branding the young unemployed as workshy , or musing on Radio Ulster whether Ian Paisley might like to be prime minister of a united Ireland .
2 Leading Wren Lilith Penrose would have to be watched , or Lucinda and Jane would be in it , right up to their ear-holes .
3 If the ayes have it tomorrow , Dr Cole-King can expect to be a vicar by this time next year , once the measure 's been approved by Parliament .
4 Jane Saren would seem to be the obvious person , but perhaps you would let me know whether you would like me to approach Jane to see if she is willing take this on , or if you would like it handled in some other way ?
5 Usually Aunt Louise would seem to be asleep , or not to realize I was there .
6 Mr Appin will try to be clever , ’ said Miss Resker happily , ‘ but if we watch him carefully , we shall see his lips move . ’
7 I do n't think it was that Robert Rozario 'd admit to being the quickest player in the world .
8 But there were a few , and Mr Frohnmayer would like to be counted among them .
9 The really frightening aspect of what is going on is that the alternative to Mr Yeltsin would seem to be chaos involving a complete economic breakdown , from which only extremists could benefit and all of us would suffer .
10 Mr Mellor will continue to be responsible for bringing in new laws on privacy and press intrusion if necessary .
11 We have also to devise a means of editing material which Mr Benn would wish to be withheld for a certain period on grounds of personal sensitivity , in such a way that it can be reinserted in the correct place ( if necessary on a disc or tape ) when the time comes .
12 They had warned in October 1990 that Cammell Laird would have to be sold or close because of defence cuts .
13 Mr Moore might have to be sent into space as part of the new government 's ‘ Celebrities in Orbit ’ programme .
14 Maybe Mr Lewis would like to be allowed to walk in the country alongside the army in training ? — more fool him .
15 While Prince Charles could afford to be amused , Diana was quickly discovering the exacting price of royal romance .
16 And we do n't suppose that the United States will continue to be so generous with its aid , once the FDR takes power !
17 The British Empire and the United States will have to be somewhat mixed up in some of their affairs for mutual and general advantage .
18 Come along , Mr Curtis , I think Mrs Sutherland 'd like to be alone for a bit . ’
19 Mrs Reynolds will need to be involved in this process in order to help relieve her anxieties and so that she can also support her husband .
20 Mrs Thatcher will have to be satisfied with the assurances she will receive from Mr Bush , who will tell her that , since defence cuts are politically inevitable , it is far better for modest and planned reductions to be proposed by his cabinet and the Pentagon than for swingeing cuts to be imposed by the US Congress , which is already chafing at the thought of the US budget deficit being deepened to pay for the defence of the wealthy Europeans .
21 If that 's the case then Down Royal can look forward to a bumper fixture and then maybe those small fields for the Ulster Derby will begin to be only a bad memory .
22 Another item I picked up some time ago from across the Atlantic was the information that the British 7′¼″ gauge was only found on the Great Eastern , a piece of information that I 'm sure Vic Smith will agree to be even more surprising than anything in his talk !
23 But Teddy Hargreaves will do to be getting on with . ’
24 Dutchman Marcel Albers , who won the first race at Donington , compatriot Oswaldo Negri and Belgian Mikke Van Hool were all slightly quicker in testing during the week so de Ferran will need to be at peak to clinch top spot , as he twice did for Edenbridge Racing last year .
25 At the very least , Hong Kong must prepare to be a little more self-reliant for growth in the 1990s : public spending , particularly on infrastructural projects , is likely to assume a bigger and more virtuous role .
26 In order to answer this question the work of Raymond Unwin would appear to be a suitable subject of study .
27 I am assuming Environment Wales will want to be associated with an informative document promoting sustainable development .
28 The Newmarket trainer runs Top Class in the Longchamp spectacular and the faithful backing Brittain will expect to be laughing all the way to the bank as they help themselves to the generous 40-1 on offer .
29 Thus the Alliance in West Ham could claim to be ‘ non-political and non-sectarian ’ and
30 Process engineering superintendent Peter Watson will continue to be responsible for long-term terminal development , hydrocarbon accounting , loss control , laboratory services and for technical support to plant operations .
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