Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly the huge wooden arched door was sprung open and Fernando Serra stepped out of the gloom of the house and into the almost indecent brilliance of the sun .
2 Peace People development co-ordinator Patrick Corrigan looks back on the mass rallies of 1976 .
3 They sat in the parlour , on the evening of Saturday , September 2nd , waiting for Menzies ' man Allan Stewart to come back with the news from Blair Atoll .
4 The colourful draperies of the various stands and tents billowed and flapped gently , as the denizens of Little Tuckett strolled about on the freshly clipped lawns of the vicarage garden , taking in the various delights on offer .
5 Kenneth Baker came up in the House to offer congratulations .
6 For several minutes Morse looked down at the turbid , turgid river ; and his thoughts were as restless as the waters below him .
7 Muir , omitted from the event last year after an administrative error , needed just 15 ends to help heal the wounds as he sent New Zealand 's Gary Lawson tumbling out of the championship .
8 Herr Nordern sank on to the sofa and , astonishingly , found himself holding his wife 's hand , and feeling hers firmly gripping his .
9 Herr Nordern wove unsteadily across the living-room into the bathroom and plunged his face into cold water .
10 As Ian Macdonald points out in The New Immigration Law ( Butterworths , 1972 ) :
11 At the first opportunity Sarah went again to the Foundling Hospital , but she did n't approach by Guilford Street in case the porter came out of his lodge and recognized her .
12 Programme assistant Ian Edgar stood in at the last minute .
13 Newport were in shreds as Marcus Hannaford cleaned up for the third try .
14 As Sabrina stood outside the hotel on the Place de la Gare staring up at the Cathedral 's spire silhouetted against the dark , sombre skyline , she let her thoughts drift back over the hours since their departure from New York 's John F. Kennedy Airport .
15 Charlotte Fischer , Emma Sokell and Sarah Spittle ran both for the College and the University Blues Team , and Vicki Edwards and Katherine Walker played for the University Women 's Tennis Team .
16 Lisa Stansfield looks forward to the Eighties
17 Ngo Van Loc reached out in the darkness and clasped both his sons ' hands tightly in his own .
18 Roger Courtney went back to the raiding of the SBS which we will follow in later Chapters .
19 Parry , nicknamed Popeye because of his bulging forearms , dropped two shots in five holes and title favourite Faldo moved menacingly alongside the Australian to share the lead on level par , while Lyle was the last of the 28 starters .
20 That " No provision for the economic rehabilitation of Europe , " appeared was a profound weakness J. M. Keynes pointed out in The Economic Consequences of the Peace ( 1919 ) .
21 As we entered the kitchen Pat looked up at the roof and the large gaping hole caused by a shell that had passed through two floors then smashed through the kitchen door , ending up in the garden .
22 A few weeks later Patrick Ashby came back from the dead and went home to inherit the family house and fortune .
23 When Photoplay 's editor Ken Ferguson went down to the set of The Devil 's Brigade , a World War Two adventure filmed in England in 1968 , he and the other reporters were warned not to try and interview the star .
24 ‘ In the stunned silence that followed , Miss Honey walked up to the front of the class and stood behind her table .
25 Miss Honey looked carefully at the tiny girl with dark hair and a round serious face sitting in the second row .
26 Miss Honey stared hard into the other woman 's wet grey eyes , and she allowed the silence to hang in the air until Mrs Wormwood became uncomfortable .
27 Miss Honey stood resolutely before the Headmistress .
28 To Howard 's stubborn insistence that the Nez Perce move immediately to the reservation , Toohoolhoolzote answered : ‘ The earth is part of our body , and we never gave up the earth ’ .
29 Since scouts had reported no signs of Howard 's anticipated arrival from the south-west , the Nez Perce remained contentedly on the Clearwater .
30 Wednesday 's players are still furious over the controversial refereeing that saw striker David Hirst sent off in the 3–1 first leg defeat in Kaiserslautern .
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