Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [noun pl] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Li also pointedly gave support to leftist agricultural policies reportedly opposed by Deng , endorsing collective service networks and ideological education campaigns in rural areas .
2 The ravages committed by man subvert the relations and destroy the balance which nature had established between her organized and her inorganic creations ; and she avenges herself upon the intruder , by letting loose upon her defaced provinces destructive energies hitherto kept in check by organic forces destined to be his best auxiliaries , but which he has unwisely dispersed and driven from the field of action .
3 The bikes mechanical parts actualy originate in Japan — but the Chinese negotiated a special deal for them , and then designed their own heavy duty frames to cope with their terrible roads :
4 Elsewhere in Beaumont and Fletcher 's work valorous males similarly oscillate between honourable antagonism and honourable alliance , in an almost erotic state of arousal .
5 There is now a wide variety of special hardware and software for handicapped people , much of it designed to work with the BBC , Archimedes and IBM PC-compatible computers commonly used in schools , though it is equally applicable to adults .
6 Piven and Cloward ( 1977 ) , for example , in their admirable study of four lower-class protest movements in the US , attribute greater effectiveness to mass protests than to the efforts to build mass-based permanent organizations : ‘ Whatever influence lower-class groups occasionally exert in American politics does not result from organization , but from mass protest and the disruptive consequences of protest ’ ( p. 36 ) .
7 From then on , South Metropolitan cars only ran to Penge on odd occasions , usually as football extras on Saturday afternoons , or for track maintenance .
8 FOLLOWING the intervention of the IRB ( very keen not to jeopardise the talks between the SARB and the SARU ) the planned game between the All Blacks and a selection of South African players currently playing in Europe has been abandoned .
9 The band of the Scotland and Northern Ireland Royal Marines also marched through the town centre and entertained shoppers with a musical performance on the Russell Street boulevard .
10 Of course native Siberians sometimes fought among themselves , just as the various national and religious communities of Europe were often at each other 's throats .
11 The curricula and finer details of National Board approved programmes still have to be fully considered and agreed .
12 In November overall imports actually fell to £9.6billion — 2.5 per cent down on October .
13 Others claim that routine white-collar workers still belong to the middle class .
14 On this basis constant currents also belong to the static branch of electricity .
15 at present good recruits often have to be chased to Bramshill [ on the lengthy command courses ] , because chief constables are not anxious to spare able men , and officers themselves are reluctant to be separated from their families and homes , as well as having a fear that they might lose from being ‘ out of sight , out of mind ’ for promotion .
16 The fire service used techniques usually reserved for cliff rescuers to reach the man .
17 In addition , some authorities have transferred to their colleges of higher education advanced courses previously located in other major establishments .
18 When cells are maintained under more physiological conditions , where HCO 3 - and CO 2 are present , other pH i regulatory systems often predominate over Na + /H + exchange .
19 The SDLP need not now worry about Sinn Féin breathing on its neck , and Ulster Unionist sources now speak with a little disdain of Mr Paisley 's ranting style .
20 In other ( non-health ) areas of social policy economic evaluations usually start with the presumption that all current activities are efficient — that is , worthwhile when compared with all alternatives .
21 MERSEYSIDE Labour MPs today rounded on Liberal Democrat David Alton after he voted with the Government in the Euro debate .
22 Senior career civil servants invariably identify with the Democratic party .
23 When the engineer checks the claim , he or she needs to ensure that additional costs are not claimed twice , for example additional costs already recovered by additional measured work or dayworks or variations priced at current prices .
24 In all parts of the country Wesleyan Methodism had become the chief alternative to the Established Church and in purely agricultural regions religious differences often amounted to a choice between either the Church of England or Wesleyan and Primitive Methodism .
25 We need to shift to the procedure that we would probably have and a tell me if I 'm wrong I thought there was a sort of general agreement without it being sort of firmly agreed that we were going to go for a format of subject specific reports still coming to form tutor who would complete some sort of general report , is that
26 In northern Europe pied flycatchers also breed in coniferous forests , but usually in fairly low numbers .
27 The decision of the West German Greens not to merge with the East German Greens before the all-German election resulted in the loss of their own representation in the Bundestag .
28 In the Collembola and Diplura similar muscles also occur in all other segments except the last , but in the Thysanura and Pterygota the flagellar segments are devoid of muscles .
29 Larger capital intensive firms equally benefit from the reduced levels of uncertainty surrounding their future investment plans .
30 They also say the legislation may help ancestral Indian weaving , jewellery , and design styles to survive — a surprisingly high amount of domestic US Indian crafts already looked like imitations of gift-shop baubles imported from overseas .
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