Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] water from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The valve , which must be fitted vertically , comes in two sizes and the internal diaphragm will prevent loss of water from the trap seal by self-siphonage ( from the pipe running full ) or induced siphonage ( from other pipes running full and creating a vacuum )
2 TIP : Water stored in a centrally heated room will reach a near tank temperature in a few days — which means minimal addition of water from the kettle .
3 The rushing of water from the shower masked every other sound .
4 I add a cupful of water from the incubation tank to the jar daily , to gradually adjust the water chemistry to match that of the tank and eventually to dilute the fry 's waste .
5 The absorption of water from the gut lumen is an osmotic consequence of such processes .
6 I draw a can of water from the outside up , and make my way towards Lucky 's tethering place .
7 We finished our soup and swilled out the mess tins with water from the jerry-can .
8 During the final five minutes of this sequence a period of intense activity was obvious and coincided with the emptying of water from the stomach and duodenal bulb .
9 Oddly , there are tiny elemental effects which spark and flicker around the Ghost ; tiny phosphorescent sparks around its hands , small ripples in the stone beneath its feet , a gentle breeze around its head , a sudden dampness and dripping of water from the stones of the walls around it .
10 What , well , we had a very large sitting dining room where we put er our dining room furniture at one end and as , the sitting room furniture at the other , it was very large actually , a Nissan hut does n't look very big , but it is quite big and we had one large bedroom where we got all our furniture in there and then there was er a kitchen , and there was an Elsan lavatory in the garden which er you had to go outside for that , and er , we bought a full length galvanized bath like an ordinary bath upstairs and there was a boiler in the kitchen so we used to light the fire of the boiler , fill the boiler with water from the tap , we had a , oh we had all sorts of er innovations that made life easy as could be in the circumstances , we had er hose pipe from the kitchen sink into the bathroom , we managed to get about three baths a week , cos it , it was a terrible fag , but we did , and then you just emptied the bath out and out in the drain outside you know .
11 This is the Straining Tower , the main outlet for water from the reservoir .
12 He got out of bed and drank two glasses of water from the tap then he put his head out of the window and sampled the morning air , tangy with the smell of salt water and seaweed .
13 It extracts thousands of gallons of water from the river .
14 Chicago was blacked out yesterday after a freak flood caused by two million gallons of water from the Chicago river which poured through a hole in its retaining wall .
15 Use a squeeze pipette to take a few drops of water from the surface of the culture , trying to disturb the surface as little as possible .
16 She would hear tile swirl of water from the downstairs washroom , his footsteps on the tessellated floor of the hall .
17 Commission chairman Ulf Bjallas said the government could not fulfil its pledge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions if the bridge went ahead , adding that the six-year construction period would disrupt the flow of water from the North Sea , vital to the maintenance of marine life in the Baltic .
18 At this point it is best to remove the glass or perspex sheet with the eggs attached and transfer it to another tank containing 5–7.5 cms of water from the breeding tank .
19 This would allow a larger number of glucose units to enter the gut , thereby allowing uptake of sodium ions via the sodium ion/glucose cotransporter at a higher rate , and hence allowing speedier reabsorption of water from the gut lumen .
20 The decision has aroused controversy because the fish 's decline ( by 90 per cent over the last 20 years ) is attributed to the increasing abstraction of water from the delta , which supplies two-thirds of California 's drinking requirements .
21 Bellamy drew a cup of water from the cooler and sprinkled his forehead .
22 ‘ Do n't ask me , ’ said Alan , and bravely , coolly drank a glass of water from the tap .
23 She was more interested in getting a glass of water from the mini-bar and enquiring if she could have a cup of tea .
24 He came into the room and poured himself a glass of water from the earthenware jug which stood , as it did in all the offices of Cairo , in the window so that the air currents could cool it .
25 Theda brought a glass of water from the bedside table to her lips and obliged her to drink .
26 ‘ This is what we need , ’ Bryce said , picking up a carafe of water from the top of a chest of drawers .
27 Produced by electrolysis too much energy would be used up in the process to make it economic while the other method suggested by supporters of the ‘ hydrogen economy ’ — thermal dissociation of water from the heat output of a nuclear reactor is neither a tried nor tested technology .
28 The ecological disaster created by the diversion of water from the Aral Sea for the sake of a better cotton crop has given that sort of thinking a severe knock .
29 Before it grew any darker , we followed a little path to the well , a deep gap between boulders , and filled our kettle with water from the spring .
30 She filled a jug with water from the pail , found rag , a tankard and another crust of bread to add to the food in her pocket .
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