Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] water [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 Romany washed the tea glasses in a bucket of water lifted from the river .
2 The quantity of water raised from the lower to the higher level will on the average equal that lowered from the higher to the lower level so that there will be practically no loss of water by lockage and as the vessels transported by the lifts are waterborne the weight of the load carried by the dock is always the same whether the vessel be loaded or not and whether the dock contains a vessel or not .
3 At one and the same instant the audience burst into a thundering shout ; the orchestra pealed forth the strains of the Hallelujah Chorus ; the wheels of the great Ellis engine in Machinery Hall commenced to revolve ; the electric fountains in the lagoon threw their torrents towards the sky ; a flood of water gushed from the McMonnies Lake and rolled back again into the basin ; the thunder of artillery came from the vessels in the lake ; the chimes in Manufacturers Hall and on the German building rang out a merry peal , and overhead , the flags at the top of the poles in front of the platform fell apart and revealed the gilded models of the ships in which Columbus first sailed to American shores .
4 John was familiar with his ‘ place ’ , as miners called the section of the pit in which they worked , and even in the dark was able to find his way to where a small stream of water leaked from the rock .
5 A distinctive feature of the Downs are the coombes or dry valleys formed through erosion by water derived from the thawing of frozen land at the time of the last Ice Age .
6 A wall of water extended from the heavy black cloud to the sea , which frothed , briefly flattened by the force of the deluge .
7 He could still recall the sodden weight of the man , hanging from the iron rings upon the outer wall — the struggle to haul him up — the rush of water spewed from the gaping mouth as they turned him over … .
8 Clive and Anne Ahrens , who had a holiday cottage in Helstone village , found a white sludge at the bottom of a glass of water poured from the tap .
9 Pruning trees is a good way of controlling their growth , and reduces the amount of water extracted from the ground .
10 An hour later Guy refreshed himself with a jug of water drawn from the well and wondered how his host would take a few suggestions .
11 The consumption of oxygen or oxidizing agents by water arising from the presence of reducing substances , usually organic , is of value in the assessment of trade effluents and sewage but is not of great importance for process waters .
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