Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] what [adv] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One would expect to pass those kind of suburbs while lifting the eyes to what still lay in the centre , busy , well kept , and profitable .
2 There are conflicting accounts of what actually transpired during these interviews .
3 Accounts of what actually occurred during the morning of Oct. 8 were contradictory .
4 Stanley Baldwin , the Conservative leader from 1923 , included Cecil in his Government partly , no doubt , to help secure pro-League opinion in what increasingly appeared to be the key question of electoral politics : how to compete with Labour for the ex-Liberal vote .
5 But no doubt Jeff had , she decided , suddenly feeling torn between her sense of guilt for what now seemed like unnecessary rudeness and her automatic instinct to defend her brother .
6 There are two perceptions of what actually happened in the village that day .
7 What we appear to have here is a system where the structure of intervention , as displayed in the file data in other areas , bears only an indirect relationship to what actually happened in Team D. ( The specialist worker in Team C may have been operating in ways that in some respects are not wholly dissimilar , but the approach of the specialist team would seem radically different ) .
8 Written as a result of attending a Labour Party conference , it was the product of shock at what then seemed to me the amount of time and energy politicians and journalists spent chasing each other 's tails on such occasions .
9 Now , what in fact had been watered down from your original keenness in the late sixties in terms of what actually emerged in that White Paper ?
10 If he had , he supposed that he would now have been in a much better position to help Celia , would have had a better understanding of what sometimes happened after giving birth .
11 Part of the fascination lay in the mystery of what exactly lurked inside the casings .
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