Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] an [noun] to their " in BNC.

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1 Most lay people see the profession 's scepticism as an insult to their integrity .
2 All through the day , local people will walk through , treating the cafe as an extension to their home .
3 Am I to be mobbed by all these folk for want of an end to their Mystery ?
4 The imputation system in the limit corresponds to integrationist views and offsets the double taxation effect by imputing corporation tax paid to dividend recipients as an offset to their personal liability to tax from that source .
5 Yet others may be thinking of going on to more formal education , and treat a year with the OCA as an introduction to their particular interest .
6 So in the opening scene of The Taming of the Shrew , after the business-like prose conversation of Gremio and Hortensio about Katherine as an obstacle to their wooing Bianca ( I.i.105–45 ) , when Lucentio is left alone with his servant Tranio he moves up to verse to declare his true and romantic love : ‘ Tranio , I burn , I pine , I perish , Tranio ’ ( 148ff . ) .
7 This package has been very successful in meeting the needs of those wishing to use macroeconomic models as an aid to their understanding of the economy , for example it is now widely used in teaching .
8 Nonconformists saw slavery as an affront to their religion ; utilitarians dismissed it as inefficient .
9 Animals again can easily be accommodated at this level but it will not follow from this that they will be capable of the conscious distress or anxiety of a parent at an injury to their child , or of the hamstrung athlete warned by the doctor that they must give up running .
10 And the knowledge drained her of desire for an end to their ordeal .
11 All bookshops with an eye to their image have events nowadays , although the competition is tough going .
12 Did Philippa and her lover see Sir Ralph as an obstacle to their marriage or to Mistress Philippa 's inheritance ? ’
13 If , as RIBA says , none of the major parties have produced policies which can tackle this crisis then the fear for those caught in the homeless trap must be that , whoever wins on April 9 , there is little prospect of an end to their predicament .
14 Underlining their ‘ watchdog ’ role , Council also announced the suspension of membership of the Stratford Aircraft Collection following the group 's failure to repay a Council loan for the moving of an aircraft to their site .
15 For example , suppose you are clear that you are trying : — to introduce teachers of English in secondary schools to the microcomputer and show them its potential as an aid to their teaching objectives , and — to produce a teaching unit that will generate a great deal of hypothesising and discussion amongst the children .
16 Whilst the royal funerals continued to be furnished ‘ in-house ’ by the Lord Chamberlain via the royal upholders , there were a number of top-quality cabinet-makers , mercers and upholders willing to undertake the organization of funerals for members of the nobility and the landed gentry as an extension to their established clients ; so it is not surprising that Chippendale , for example , also furnished funerals if called upon to do so .
17 However , China , France , Japan , India and the European Space Agency will all soon be able to offer satellite surveillance services as an adjunct to their other activities in space .
18 The course is aimed at Directors and Managers , who , while competent in English , need further practice and development of business English as an aid to their international commercial activities .
19 Burke and Chinkin set out an expert 's code of conduct in an appendix to their article cited at 14.9.2 .
20 Mills and Boon are sufficiently confident of the compulsion of the romance formula to offer six free novels as an introduction to their ‘ Rose of Romance Book Club ’ .
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