Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the [noun] from the " in BNC.

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1 For ethical reasons , no social researcher should expose respondents to that possibility , and others over whom this threat does not hang or by whom it is treated lightly , such as ex-policemen and women or disgruntled members of the force , are too unrepresentative to give a balanced view of policing Therefore , it was necessary to undertake an overt study and to obtain permission for the research from the Chief Constable .
2 It also facilitated access to the minority of Catholic policemen and women in the force , and , perhaps , was important in obtaining permission for the research from the police management , for it asserts their commitment to professionalism , an important part of which in Northern Ireland is religious impartiality .
3 At the time of writing I am involved , as I mentioned , in some surveys of visitors to the British Museum and I am hoping that we shall be able to get some schools who had had organized visits to the museum , to obtain essays about the visit from the children involved .
4 The Grosvenor Estate 's management blamed vandalism for the spill from the outset , saying that someone had deliberately opened a valve in the 1,000-gallon tank at Aldford Hall Farm and allowed the diesel to leak into the river .
5 The prospect of a coalition government led by the Japan Socialist Party ( JSP ) resulted in increased financial support and funding for the LDP from the business community , the Economist of Dec. 23 , 1989 , reported that , in a bid to ward off a possible LDP defeat , 13 national and commercial banks had provided US$104,000,000 in emergency finance to the LDP 's electoral campaign funds , repayable at 1 per cent over the prime rate .
6 We were fortunate to have obtained funding for the project from the Gatsby Trust and from Guy 's Hospital Special Trustees .
7 But there will , of course , be no chance of that happening unless Britain were to show its enthusiasm for the project from the outset . ’
8 Interestingly , we are also seeing increasing support for the reforms from the medical profession itself and increasing take-up of them .
9 Edward began by attempting to exclude Stratford from the assembly , but failed in the face of support for the archbishop from the Earl of Arundel , Earl Warenne , and other lay magnates who shared their suspicion of those round the king .
10 Any support for the shares from the possibility of a British Labour government 's public expenditure on infrastructure has evaporated and hopes of an interest rate cut on either side of the Channel are also fading .
11 Meanwhile Chancellor Norman Lamont managed to win support for the pound from the EC yesterday .
12 In the case of Larbert , there has been support for the application from the Institute of Health Services Management , the Forth Valley college of nursing and midwifery and the National Board for Nursing , Midwifery and Health Visiting .
13 The pavements were deserted , a kaleidoscope of patterns as the light from the streetlamps was fragmented by the wind-whipped trees .
14 The latest proposals for the registers from the Department of the Environment were unveiled at the end of July .
15 Now , Richard Fairbanks of New York 's Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory has uncovered a detailed record which shows how fast global sea level rose at different times during the transformation from the glacial to the post-glacial world .
16 They therefore risk dehydration during the day from the dry air .
17 Having refurbished two bits of year-old evidence to support the new Libyan thesis , he now weighed in with a two-year-old intelligence report about a meeting in Tripoli before the bombing — in mid-November 1988 — at which the Libyans were said to have taken over responsibility for the attack from the PFLP — GC after Jibril 's West German cell was broken up .
18 Earlier , the change of emphasis from a ‘ social ’ to an ‘ economic and environmental ’ focus had been reflected in a switch of responsibility for the Programme from the Home Office to the Department of the Environment .
19 This delicate structure made of hard dried mud , absorbs moisture through the ceiling from the nest above .
20 It is pleasing to report the purchase during the year from the private owner of twenty-four half-sheets of a copy of Breviarium Aberdonense ( Edinburgh , 1509–10 ) , generally known as the Aberdeen Breviary , the earliest surviving substantial work known to have been printed in Scotland .
21 Use 1mm 2 cable for the run from the FCU to the new lights , again using a three-terminal junction box to split the supply if you are installing more than one light .
22 He took it and started to put into action a plan that had half-formed in his mind during the run from the stranded Cortina .
23 The death toll for the month from the conflict throughout Azerbaijan and the Armenian border areas was put officially at more than 200 .
24 To bridge the gap between the outputs from the FAOR study and the development of a detailed user requirement , at this point systems ideas were merged with a more conventional fact-finding exercise .
25 The only government department which assists women and children is the Family Relations Department of the Advocate General of the Poor ( Procuraduria General de los Pobres , PGP ) , which provides legal aid for women who wish to get child maintenance through the courts from the father .
26 And the birth control pill is an interesting example because it brings out the controversy and misunderstanding which there can be , because for many many years there was a great deal of talk about the risks from the birth control pill .
27 Johnny Lazar steps off the plane from the States and one of the first things he sees in London is a gangland killing … happens all the time .
28 Johnny Lazar steps off the plane from the States and one of the first things he sees in London is a gangland killing … happens all the time .
29 Johnny Lazar steps off the plane from the States and one of the first things he sees in London is a gangland killing … happens all the time .
30 They dressed and lit him against his character — softening where they ought to have emphasised the toughness — and they gave him a part with no verbal bite and no guts but even so it was not a bad first break for the boy from the snooker halls of Port Talbot .
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